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Groovy Java 9 modules support

I've spent some time to migrate my project written in Groovy to Java 10. Now it's possible to compile and run it. But still it doesn't use any benefits of Java 9 modularity.
Googling about Groovy and Java 9 modules gives almost nothing.

So is it possible to migrate Groovy project to use JDK 10 with Project Jigsaw modules?

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Nataliia Kharabaruk Avatar asked May 03 '18 20:05

Nataliia Kharabaruk

People also ask

Does Gradle support Java modules?

Building, testing and running Java Modules With this release, Gradle supports the Java Module System with everything you need to compile and execute tests for Java modules. You can also build Javadoc and run applications.

Does Java 8 have modules?

Java 8 with Project Jigsaw brings a module system to the SDK. I see it as a good thing as it's part of the package (built-in).

What is the use of module-info Java?

module-info. java file. It declares the dependencies within the module system and allows the compiler and the runtime to police the boundaries/access violations between the modules in your application.

1 Answers

Well, after a few days of experiments I come up with the answer - yes, it is possible to use Groovy with Project Jigsaw modules.
But it needs some additional effort.

Let's say we have following file structure:

├── build
├── jigsaw
   └── module
       └── test
           └── Application.groovy
├── lib
   └── groovy.all.jar
└── module-info.java  


module main {
    requires groovy.all;


package jigsaw.module.test

class Application {
    static void main(String[] args) {
        println "Hello module!"

First of all we need to compile module-info.java file with javac instead of compiling all files using groovyc because groovy treats module file as closure.

Let's do it:

javac -d build --module-path lib/ module-info.java

--module-path will include our groovy.all.jar as automatic module with name derived from JAR-file name.

Next we need to compile Application.groovy

groovyc -d build jigsaw/module/test/Application.groovy

It goes smoothly.
After compilation we have module-info.class (aka module descriptor) and Application.class.

├── build
   ├── jigsaw
      └── module
          └── test
              └── Application.class
   └── module-info.class
├── jigsaw
   └── module
       └── test
           └── Application.groovy
├── lib
   └── groovy.all.jar
└── module-info.java

Now let's try to run our compiled module.

java --module-path build:lib --module main/jigsaw.module.test.Application

And this is what we get

Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Unable to derive module descriptor for lib/groovy.all.jar
Caused by: java.lang.module.InvalidModuleDescriptorException: Provider class moduleName=groovy-all not in module

And what does it mean? I don't know. After a lot of googling I found something similar.

So we need to manually remove from JAR these files:

  • /META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.source.Extensions
  • /META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule

Finally our Java module is able to start

java --module-path build:lib --module main/jigsaw.module.test.Application
Hello module!

All manipulations were done using Oracle JDK 10 and Groovy 2.4.15.

like image 107
Nataliia Kharabaruk Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09

Nataliia Kharabaruk