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gravity simulation

I want to simulate a free fall and a collision with the ground (for example a bouncing ball). The object will fall in a vacuum - an air resistance can be omitted. A collision with the ground should causes some energy loss so finally the object will stop moving. I use JOGL to render a point which is my falling object. A gravity is constant (-9.8 m/s^2).

I found an euler method to calculate a new position of the point:

deltaTime = currentTime - previousTime;
vel += acc * deltaTime;
pos += vel * deltaTime;

but I'm doing something wrong. The point bounces a few times and then it's moving down (very slow).

Here is a pseudocode (initial pos = (0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f), initial vel(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), gravity = -9.8f):

     velocity.y += gravity * deltaTime;
     pos.y += velocity.y * deltaTime;

     if(pos.y < -2.0f) //a collision with the ground
        velocity.y = velocity.y * energyLoss * -1.0f;


What is the best way to achieve a realistic effect ? How the euler method refer to the constant acceleration equations ?

like image 550
Vert Avatar asked Aug 10 '11 15:08


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1 Answers

Because floating points dont round-up nicely, you'll never get at a velocity that's actually 0. You'd probably get something like -0.00000000000001 or something.

you need to to make it 0.0 when it's close enough. (define some delta.)

like image 143
Yochai Timmer Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Yochai Timmer