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Gradle IDEA configuration

I read here that I can tweak certain settings using these parameters:

idea {
    module {
        downloadJavadoc = false    
        downloadSources = true

However I get an error when I am trying to build:

Could not find method idea() for arguments
like image 903
Daniil Shevelev Avatar asked Jan 29 '14 15:01

Daniil Shevelev

People also ask

What is Gradle idea?

The idea task generates an IDEA module file for the project. When the project is the root project, the idea task also generates an IDEA project and workspace. The IDEA project includes modules for each of the projects in the Gradle build. The IDEA plugin also adds an openIdea task when the project is the root project.

How do I create Gradle settings?

In Eclipse, select File > Export. In the window that appears, open Android and select Generate Gradle build files. Select the project you want to export for Android Studio and click Finish.

1 Answers

Please apply the IDEA plugin first:

apply plugin: 'idea'

like image 78
Ori Dar Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10

Ori Dar