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Spring Boot property expansion not working after switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ

Our app has for properties that we pick up dynamically from the Maven project files.

    artifact: @project.artifactId@
    name: @project.name@
    description: @project.description@
    version: @project.version@


When we were using Eclipse these were not a problem, but now on moving to InelliJ the app won't startup unless I provide some hardcoded values for those dynamic properties.

I get this error:

19:47:20.962 [main] INFO  com.edlogics.ElrcApplication - Spring Boot configuration: profiles = [local, chris]
19:47:20.968 [main] INFO  com.edlogics.ElrcApplication - Spring Boot configuration: properties = {}
Exception in thread "main" while scanning for the next token
found character '@' that cannot start any token. (Do not use @ for indentation)
 in 'reader', line 74, column 11:
        name: @project.name@


Process finished with exit code 1

I realize that @ is not a valid YAML character, just not sure how this was working in Eclipse and not in IntelliJ


One thing that I left out of the original questions is that we have a multi-module project. It's the project's root pom that inherits from spring-boot-starter-parent that has this:


And in our project it is a submodule that is in need of the filtering. The application.yml file is in the correct location of the submodule and Eclipse did not seem to mind that it was a submodule. I know that Eclipse and IntelliJ treat multi-module projects a little differently (Eclipse has flat structure while IntelliJ is hierarchical).

like image 809
Chris Savory Avatar asked Apr 25 '16 20:04

Chris Savory

2 Answers

Turns out that the resource filtering was working in IntelliJ. There was one property, @project.name@ out of the four that was not being filtered correctly. Somehow this wasn't a problem in Eclipse. So we just removed that property from application.yml since we weren't using it.

Also, right-clicking on the pom.xml and selecting Maven then reimport seems to help with this. This especially helps if IntelliJ does not currently recognize yoru project as a Maven project. enter image description here

like image 51
Chris Savory Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 05:11

Chris Savory

It worked for me:

artifact: '@project.artifactId@'

Just kept the value within single quotes

like image 7
Mukit09 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 05:11
