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Is it legal to use IntellIJ Ultimate Edition Student License to work on commercial product

I have access to the student license of IntellIJ Ultimate Edition from my University. Is it legal to use it in my work?

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Krzysztof Skolimowski Avatar asked Jan 04 '18 13:01

Krzysztof Skolimowski

People also ask

Can you use IntelliJ for commercial use?

Yes, both IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition IDEs (Community IDEs) can be used for developing proprietary and commercial software. The only exceptions are related to creating derivative products or commercializing the Community IDEs.

Is IntelliJ IDEA free for commercial use?

IntelliJ IDEA Community is a free and open-source edition of IntelliJ IDEA, the commercial Java IDE by JetBrains. IntelliJ IDEA Community provides all the tools you need for Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, and Android.

Can I use IntelliJ ultimate for work?

You can use it working on your personal projects as well as your projects in your company. Our EULAs do not restrict this.

Can IntelliJ license be shared?

Yes. Under our current subscription model, you may run multiple personal licensed copies of the IDE at the same time across multiple operating systems (like on laptop and desktop for remote debugging client/server apps). This also applies to the All Products pack.

1 Answers

According to this entry in JetBrains' Licensing and Purchasing FAQ:

Students and teachers are eligible to use JetBrains All Products Pack (including IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, ReSharper Ultimate and other IDEs & tools) free of charge for educational purposes. Educational licenses cannot be used for commercial purposes.

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glytching Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11
