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Google-protobuf: How to create unions using Google protocol buffer

I am currently trying to use Google Protocol Buffers for C language. I am a little unsure as to how to create a C union using GPB.

For example, with a proto file as follows:

message msgToSend
 required Type msg_type=1; //Type is a predefined enum to determine message type
 optional ReqMsg1 msg1=2;
 optional ReqMsg2 msg2=3;

I expect above to generate a union upon compilation but a structure is generated as follows:

struct _msgToSend
 ProtobufCMessage base;
 Type msg_type;
 ReqMsg1 msg1;
 ReqMsg2 msg2;
like image 921
Sphoorthi Dayanand Avatar asked Mar 10 '16 12:03

Sphoorthi Dayanand

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1 Answers

In protobuf there is a dedicated structure for that (I'm using it in C++ though, not sure if it will work in pure C):

message MyUnion {
    oneof MyUnionOneof {
        bool booleanValue = 1;
        string stringValue = 2;

Check out this link: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#oneof

like image 138
Quarra Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
