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Google data mining tool



I recently read about a new Google-code hosted (open source) project from Google that allows you to perform data mining and analytics on various input files. There was even a video showing the user importing an Excel file and filtering on various conditions. However I cannot find it now even after looking for several hours, does anyone know the name of this project?

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Abdullah Jibaly Avatar asked Nov 20 '10 15:11

Abdullah Jibaly

1 Answers


Google Refine http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/

Update (2013/12/02)

Google Refine is now OpenRefine http://openrefine.org/

Please note that since October 2nd, 2012, Google is not supporting actively this project which have been rebranded to OpenRefine. Project development, documentation and promotion is now fully supported by volunteers.

Repository location: https://github.com/OpenRefine

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Dean Taylor Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Dean Taylor