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Information gain on non discrete dataset

Jiawei Han's book on Data Mining 2nd edition (Attribute Selection Measures - pp 297 thru 300) explains how to calculate information gain achieved by each attribute (age, income, credit_rating) and class (buys_computer yes or no). In this example, each of the attribute values is discrete, for e.g. age can be youth/middle-aged/senior, income can be high/low/medium, credit_rating fair/excellent etc.

I would like to know how the same information gain can be applied to attributes which take non discrete data. For e.g. the income attribute takes any currency amount like 100.68, 120.90, etc etc. If there are 1000 students, there could be 1000 different amount values.

How can we apply the same information gain over non discrete data? Any tutorial/sample example/video url would be of great help.

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blue piranha Avatar asked Oct 04 '13 23:10

blue piranha

People also ask

What is information gain in data?

Information gain is the reduction in entropy or surprise by transforming a dataset and is calculated by comparing the entropy of the dataset before and after a transformation.

How is information gain calculated?

Gini index is measured by subtracting the sum of squared probabilities of each class from one, in opposite of it, information gain is obtained by multiplying the probability of the class by log ( base= 2) of that class probability.

What are the differences between the information gain and the entropy of a dataset?

Entropy is uncertainty/ randomness in the data, the more the randomness the higher will be the entropy. Information gain uses entropy to make decisions. If the entropy is less, information will be more. Information gain is used in decision trees and random forest to decide the best split.

What is information gain in DT?

The information gained in the decision tree can be defined as the amount of information improved in the nodes before splitting them for making further decisions.

2 Answers

When your target variable is discrete (categorical), you just calculate entropy over the empirical distribution of categories in the left/right split you're considering, and compare their weighted average to the entropy without the split.

For a continuous target variable, like income, this is defined analogously as differential entropy. For your purpose you would assume that the values in your set have a normal distribution, and calculate the differential entropy accordingly. From Wikipedia:

enter image description here

That is it's just a function of the variance of the values. Note that this is in nats, not bits of entropy. To compare to Shannon entropy above, you'd have to convert, which is just a multiplication.

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Sean Owen Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10

Sean Owen

Most common way for to do splitting for continuous variable (1d) is picking a threshold (from discretized set of thresholds, or you can choose a prior). So you can compute information gain for continuous value by first sorting it (you have to have an order) and then scanning it for the best value. http://dilekylmzr.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/data-mining_lecture9.ppt

Example of using this technique in random forests

Often this technique is used in random forests (or decision trees), so I will post few references to resources on that.

More information on random forests and this technique can be found here : http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~nando/540-2013/lectures.html . See lectures on youtube because slides are not very much informative. In the lecture it is described how to match body parts using random forests in Kinect, so it is quite interesting. Also you can look it up here : https://research.microsoft.com/pubs/145347/bodypartrecognition.pdf - the original paper being discussed in the lecture.

Note that for information gain you can use also gaussian entropy. It is basically fitting gaussian to data before and after split.

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kudkudak Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
