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Implementing proximity matrix for clustering

Please I am a little new to this field so pardon me if the question sound trivial or basic.

I have a group of dataset(Bag of words to be specific) and I need to generate a proximity matrix by using their edit distance from each other to find and generate the proximity matrix .

I am however quite confused how I will keep track of my data/strings in the matrix. I need the proximity matrix for the purpose of clustering.

Or How generally do you approach this kinds of problem in the field. I am using perl and R to implement this.

Here is a typical code in perl I have written that reads from a text file containing my bag of words

use strict ;
   use warnings ; 
   use Text::Levenshtein qw(distance) ;
   sub main
    my @TokenDistances ;
    my $Tokenfile  = 'TokenDistinct.txt';
    my @Token ;
    my $AppendingCount  = 0 ; 
    my @Tokencompare ;  
    my %Levcount  = ();
    open (FH ,"< $Tokenfile" ) or die ("Error opening file . $!");
        chomp $_;
        $_ =~ s/^(\s+)$//g;
        push (@Token , $_ ); 
     @Tokencompare = @Token ; 

     foreach my $tokenWord(@Tokencompare)
        my $lengthoffile =  scalar @Tokencompare;
        my $i = 0 ;
        chomp $tokenWord ;

        #@TokenDistances = levDistance($tokenWord , \@Tokencompare );
        for($i = 0 ; $i < $lengthoffile ;$i++)
            if(scalar @TokenDistances ==  scalar @Tokencompare)
                print "Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\n";
            chomp $tokenWord   ;
            chomp $Tokencompare[$i];
            #print   $tokenWord. "   {$Tokencompare[$i]}  " . "      $TokenDistances[$i] " . "\n";
            #$Levcount{$tokenWord}{$Tokencompare[$i]} = $TokenDistances[$i];
            $Levcount{$tokenWord}{$Tokencompare[$i]} = levDistance($tokenWord , $Tokencompare[$i] );


        StoreSortedValues ( \%Levcount ,\$tokenWord , \$AppendingCount);
        %Levcount = () ;

    # %Levcount  = (); 

sub levDistance
    my $string1 = shift ;
    #my @StringList = @{(shift)};
    my $string2 =  shift ;
    return distance($string1 , $string2);

sub StoreSortedValues {

    my $Levcount  = shift;
    my $tokenWordTopMost = ${(shift)} ; 
    my $j = ${(shift)};
    my @ListToken;
    my $Tokenfile = 'LevResult.txt';

    if($j == 0 )
        open (FH ,"> $Tokenfile" ) or die ("Error opening file . $!");
        open (FH ,">> $Tokenfile" ) or die ("Error opening file . $!");

                print $tokenWordTopMost; 
                my %tokenWordMaster = %{$Levcount->{$tokenWordTopMost}};
                @ListToken = sort { $tokenWordMaster{$a} cmp $tokenWordMaster{$b} }   keys %tokenWordMaster;
            #@ListToken = keys %tokenWordMaster;

        print FH "-------------------------- " . $tokenWordTopMost . "-------------------------------------\n";
        #print FH  map {"$_  \t=>  $tokenWordMaster{$_} \n "}   @ListToken;
        foreach my $tokey (@ListToken)
            print FH  "$tokey=>\t" . $tokenWordMaster{$tokey} . "\n" 


        close(FH) or  die ("Error Closing File.  $!");


the problem is how can I represent the proximity matrix from this and still be able to keep track of which comparison represent which in my matrix.

like image 601
damola Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 19:08


1 Answers

In the RecordLinkage package there is the levenshteinDist function, which is one way of calculating an edit distance between strings.


Set up some data:

fruit <- c("Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado", "Banana", "Bilberry", "Blackberry", 
    "Blackcurrant", "Blueberry", "Currant", "Cherry")

Now create a matrix consisting of zeros to reserve memory for the distance table. Then use nested for loops to calculate the individual distances. We end with a matrix with a row and a column for each fruit. Thus we can rename the columns and rows to be identical to the original vector.

fdist <- matrix(rep(0, length(fruit)^2), ncol=length(fruit))
for(i in seq_along(fruit)){
  for(j in seq_along(fruit)){
    fdist[i, j] <- levenshteinDist(fruit[i], fruit[j])
rownames(fdist) <- colnames(fdist) <- fruit

The results:


             Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Bilberry Blackberry Blackcurrant
Apple            0       5       6      6        7          9           12
Apricot          5       0       6      7        8         10           10
Avocado          6       6       0      6        8          9           10
Banana           6       7       6      0        7          8            8
Bilberry         7       8       8      7        0          4            9
Blackberry       9      10       9      8        4          0            5
Blackcurrant    12      10      10      8        9          5            0
Blueberry        8       9       9      8        3          3            8
Currant          7       5       6      5        8         10            6
Cherry           6       7       7      6        4          6           10
like image 90
Andrie Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10
