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Google Chrome Extension

I have two files. manifest.json and content.js. I have compressed the both files in Zip format and conver into CRX format.

Then just drag and drop the .crx file in Google chrome browser and continue to install the crx file. But it shows a alert message as "CRX_MAGIC_NUMBER_INVALID".

How to i resolve this issue?

like image 662
Amareswaran Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 15:02


1 Answers

You need to be signed into your Google account in order to download extensions from the Web Store now. It's stupid, but this is the best way. Source.

My friend had the same problem with installing a homebrew extension too. This should be the solution to your issue.

like image 112
Alec Mev Avatar answered Mar 06 '23 05:03

Alec Mev