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Good Local Bug Tracking Software?

I know there are many bug tracking/project management programs out there. For my main project, I use Pivotal Tracker, and it is serving my needs just fine. But I have a side project that I want to also work on, but my full time won't be on that project. Because of that, I don't want to use Pivotal Tracker because it uses iterations and I don't want to be timed on my programming for this side project, since I really don't know when and how long I will be able to add to it.

So my question is this, are there any bug tracking programs that allow you to work on the local file system without having to run a whole web server or use a web browser or anything? In other words, are there any trackers that can save a small database somewhere on your local file system, and has a GUI front end to work with it.

Please let me know.


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QAH Avatar asked Oct 23 '10 02:10


People also ask

Is trello a bug tracking tool?

Easy logging of bugs with our integrated formsIt is free for up to 25 bug reports a month. Plenty to get started with bug tracking for most teams. Create a form for people to log bugs for you. You can include any of the Custom Fields you have added to your cards which you need people to fill out.

What is difference between bug tracking and issue tracking?

Thus, bug tracking refers to reporting and management of coding issues whereas issue tracking refers to reporting and management of any single issue be it in the requirements/specifications, workflow, coding, design or even any post production issue that a user experiences.

2 Answers

Well, I have looked around and I have come to the decision that TaskCoach is the best software for me. It is really good at helping you track tasks and it also helps in tracking how much time you are spending on them.

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QAH Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 17:10


For a side project, it doesn't sound like you need many fancy features. So what about a simple old-fashion spreadsheet?

Also relying on a standalone tool means you need to back-up your data. So, maybe you'd better go with something like google docs, what about this template?

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Damien Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10
