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JQuery.getJSON() reading a local file

How do you read a file in the current directory using JQuery.getJSON()?

I'm trying something simple (with my data.json file in the same directory as my html file):


and I get the error:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/Projects/test/data.json. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

I've tried all sorts of combinations of path, but it doesn't seem to work...

EDIT: I'm using Chrome, but I'd like to work in all browsers...

like image 775
user1167650 Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 16:07


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Projects In JavaScript & JQuery To load JSON data using jQuery, use the getJSON() and ajax() method. The jQuery. getJSON( ) method loads JSON data from the server using a GET HTTP request. data − This optional parameter represents key/value pairs that will be sent to the server.

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jQuery getJSON() Method The getJSON() method is used to get JSON data using an AJAX HTTP GET request.

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getJSON()) is an AJAX method that is used to fetch JSON data using HTTP GET request.

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getJSON() is equal to $. ajax() with dataType set to "json", which means that if something different than JSON is returned, you end up with a parse error. So you were mostly right about the two being pretty much the same :).

1 Answers

If you are using Google Chrome, it is intentional that AJAX on file:/// paths never works.


like image 129
ephemient Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10
