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Golang,MongoDB, Having issues using $in to find all elements with one string in there array property




I am trying to find all users in a MongoDB collection that contains a username string in the friends array. I am using Golang with the mgo driver.

   type User struct {
        Friends        []string    `json: friends bson:"friends,omitempty"` 

    // username is a string
    arr := []string{username}

    err := c.Find(bson.M{"friends": {"$in": arr}}).All(&users)

I get this error: http: panic serving [::1]:56358: assignment to entry in nil map

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 501
Kody Doherty Avatar asked May 14 '16 20:05

Kody Doherty

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1 Answers

You are using "$in" wrong. You aren't initialising inner map. You are supposed to use it like this:

err := c.Find(bson.M{"friends": bson.M{"$in": arr}}).All(&users)
like image 65
khrm Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
