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mongodb regex searching issue in meteor

my code is

var search_element=Session.get("search_string");
var adc="/"+search_element+"*/";
return Polls_Coll.find({question:{$regex:adc}});

Why it is not working

if i give


in conslow it's working and if i substitute the regex with the value(search_element) it is not working. I think it is replacing like this

Polls_Coll.find({question:{$regex:"/Best*/"}});(with quotes "/Best*/")

Is that the main problem? or Is there any silly mistake i did??

like image 841
Sasikanth Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 08:02


1 Answers

There are two types of syntax:




You've used elements in each so thats probably why its not working. There's a bit more details about this at the mongodb docs: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/regex/

Both forms work fine in Meteor, so you shouldn't have a problem with them.

like image 65
Tarang Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10
