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Gnuplot - data points in script



I have C++ program that now generates two files:

  • data file (with columns of data)
  • gnuplot script (to set ranges and labels properly)

So, for plot I need to have two files which are related to each other.

Is there any possibility, to pack it all to one file? I mean: to put data points coordinates inside gnuplot script?

I am using gnuplot 4.4.

like image 731
user1126423 Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 07:10


1 Answers

Yes, you can put datapoints inside your gnuplot script. The simplest example would be

plot "-" with lines, "-" with lines
1 1
2 2
3 3
1 3
2 2
3 1
like image 133
Bernhard Avatar answered Dec 02 '22 05:12
