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Window dimensions of the wxt terminal in gnuplot [closed]



I'm trying to set the size of a wxt terminal window using gnuplot v4.2

gnuplot> set terminal wxt size 600,600 
Terminal type set to 'wxt'
     undefined variable: size

Even more frustrating is that wxt does not respect the -geometry flag like the x11 terminal. Note: I've tried 600,800 and 600x800 both don't work.

% gnuplot --version
gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 4 
like image 747
Ralphleon Avatar asked Jan 27 '11 19:01


People also ask

What is wxt terminal?

The wxt terminal device generates output in a separate window. The window is created by the wxWidgets library, where the 'wxt' comes from. The actual drawing is done via cairo, a 2D graphics library, and pango, a library for laying out and rendering text.

What is gnuplot default terminal?

News: the default terminal is set to 'wxt' terminal instead of the traditional 'windows' terminal. The default terminal can be controlled by setting the 'GNUTERM' environmental variable or by putting 'set term windows|wxt' into gnuplot.

2 Answers

I think there is a small mistake in your command, you should use , not x, so:

set terminal wxt size 600,600
like image 56
Martin Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 20:12


Just to close this out, I've come to the sad conclusion that gnuplot 4.2 has no size options for the wxt terminal. It will work just as Martin shows for newer versions.

like image 41
Ralphleon Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 22:12
