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Global int variable objective c

I want to declare a static int variable in one class and have access to it in every other class. What is the best way to do this?

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Corey Avatar asked Feb 22 '11 16:02


People also ask

How do you declare a global variable in Objective-C?

int gMoveNumber = 0; at the beginning of your program—outside any method, class definition, or function—its value can be referenced from anywhere in that module. In such a case, we say that gMoveNumber is defined as a global variable.

Can you declare global variables in C?

The C compiler recognizes a variable as global, as opposed to local, because its declaration is located outside the scope of any of the functions making up the program. Of course, a global variable can only be used in an executable statement after it has been declared.

How do you declare a class variable in Objective-C?

The declaration of a class interface begins with the compiler directive @interface and ends with the directive @end . (All Objective-C directives to the compiler begin with “@”.) // Method and property declarations. The first line of the declaration presents the new class name and links it to its superclass.

3 Answers

There are no static class variables in Objective C. You can create it as a file-scope static variable in the class' implementation file and provide static setter and getter methods in the class.

Or you can make it an old-school global, with an extern declaration in the .h file. The former approach is more flexible - you can add extra checks in the setter method, for example, the latter is less typing, and avoids the method call overhead.

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Seva Alekseyev Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Seva Alekseyev

Here are some ways you could try

  • Declaring the global variables in appdelegate

  • Creating a singleton class and putting the global variables there.

Using appdelegate

appdelegate is also a kind of singleton class

Function definition:

AppDelegate *appDel=(AppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
return [appDel valueForKey:InstVar];

Function Calling:

[self ReadAppDelegateInstanceVariable:@"someInstanceVariableName"];

Using your own singleton class

Only one instance of class can exist.

Sample singleton declaration:

@interface SigletonClass : NSObject
  //declare instance variable
+ (id)sharedSingletonClass;

Sample singleton implementation:

Approach 1: Using GCD

@implementation SigletonClass

+ (id)sharedSingletonClass {

    static SigletonClass *sharedClass = nil;

    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;//The way we ensure that it’s only created once is by using the dispatch_once method from Grand Central Dispatch (GCD).

   dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
     sharedClass = [[self alloc] init];

    return sharedClass;

- (id)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
     //init instance variable        
    return self;

Approach 2: Without using GCD

@implementation SigletonClass

+ (id)sharedSingletonClass {

    static SigletonClass *sharedClass = nil;

    @synchronized(self) {//To safeguard threading issues

        if (sharedClass == nil)
            sharedClass = [[self alloc] init];

    return sharedClass;

- (id)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
     //init instance variable        
    return self;

Function definition:

   SigletonClass sObj=[SigletonClass sharedSingletonClass];
   return [sObj valueForKey:InstVar];

Function Calling:

[self ReadSingleTonInstanceVariable:@"SomeInstanceVariableName"];

NSString to int:

    return str.intValue;

As far as I’m aware, there are no performance issues with doing it one way over another.

I always prefer singleton class rather than appdelegate because the code will be clutter free and I consider overusing appdelegate as smelly code.

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Durai Amuthan.H Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Durai Amuthan.H

That breaks some patterns, I'd not use it.

Anyway, if you declare a property in your app delegate then you can call:
[[NSApp delegate] myVar] anywhere.

How exactly do you intent to use this variable?

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sidyll Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
