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Does Objective-C have garbage collector on the iPhone?

I'm thinking of writing an app for the iphone. But I'm confused in regards to the objective-c language. Am I correct in saying that I have to do my own memory management? Is Objective-C a managed language such as C# and/or Java?

Thank you!

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user208662 Avatar asked Apr 11 '10 17:04


People also ask

Which objects are garbage collected?

An object is eligible to be garbage collected if its reference variable is lost from the program during execution. Sometimes they are also called unreachable objects. What is reference of an object? The new operator dynamically allocates memory for an object and returns a reference to it.

Does Swift have garbage collection?

Many programming languages use garbage collection to collect unused memory, whereas swift uses ARC. ARC is technically a form of Garbage collection.

Does iOS have a garbage collector?

iOS has no method of Garbage Collection. Even so, Garbage Collection is entirely unnecessary (for all practical purposes) when ARC is used. ARC works its magic at compile time to do the reference counting for you thereby making it unnecessary (and actually non-allowed) to use any other sort of memory management.

2 Answers

There is no garbage collection feature. However, any object you copy, retain, alloc etc. has its retain count bumped up by one, and you are responsible for calling a releaseor an autorelease - you own an instance of that object. If you don't call [<YOUROBJECT> release]; or [<YOUROBJECT> autorelease];, the object remains in the iPhone's/iPod Touch's/iPad's memory, but the pointer no longer remains, and a memory leak occurs, as that bit of memory can no longer be accessed. Autoreleasing adds the object to the autorelease pool, and means that it will become released at some point in the future. Always use a standard release where possible, as autorelease means that it will still stay in the device's memory for a while, you can never be sure when it will be released, and it is a slightly more demanding method to call.

Never call dealloc on an object - releasing or autoreleasing is sufficient, and if required, the object will automatically be dealloced.

Make sure you never release objects you do not own, and if you do release objects, you release them after you no longer have any use of them - otherwise, you may try to access that object, and the device cannot find the object, and the situation results in your app crashing due to an EXEC_BAC_ACCESS error - to find out the root of the problem, open Instruments, add the Object Allocation instrument and enable NSZombie detection in its preferences (or add the Zombies instrument (only available in iPhone SDK 3.2+)). You can then view the entire history of the object which causes the problem, and jump to the exact line of code that caused the problem.

You can read more here.

Hope this helped

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jrtc27 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10


"Managed" is a marketing term that has no technical meaning. Objective C for the iPhone is not garbage collected, but uses retain counting memory management. So in some sense, you have to do your own memory management, but it's limited to knowing the Cocoa retain counting methodology.

Edit: My comments on "managed" refer to a previous post version. The comment is left here because I'm tired of seeing the word.

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Adam Wright Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Adam Wright