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Giving up Agile, Switching to waterfall - Is this right? [closed]

I am working in an Agile environment and things have gone to the state where the client feels that they would prefer Waterfall due to the failures (that's what they think) of the current Agile scenario. The reason that made them think like this would be the immense amount of design level changes that happened during the end stages of the sprints which we (developers) could not complete within the time they specified.

As usual, we both were blaming each other. From our perspective, the changes said at the end were too many and design/code alterations were too much. Whereas from the client's perspective, they complain that we (developers) are not understanding the requirements fully and coming up with solutions that were 'not' what they intended in the requirement. (like they have asked us to draw a tiger, and we drew a cat).

So, the client felt (not us) that Agile process is not correct and they want to switch to a Waterfall mode which IMHO would be disastrous. The simple reason being their satisfaction levels in a Agile mode itself were not enough, then how are they going to tolerate the output after spending so much time during the design phase of a Waterfall development?

Please give your suggestions.

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bragboy Avatar asked Jul 12 '10 07:07


People also ask

Is there a time when Waterfall is preferable over scrum?

An Agile methodology is a superior choice when the client is uncertain about requirements or wants to be closely involved in the development process, and if timelines are short and they want rapid delivery. Waterfall is superior if there are complex dependencies, but Agile is preferable when dependencies are minimal.

Is Waterfall better than Agile?

Agile is better suited for projects where stakeholders are closely involved every step of the way. Waterfall is a more structured project management method and does not lend itself to the same type of flexibility.

Is Agile always cheaper than Waterfall?

One project was done with Agile, and one with Waterfall. The astounding results they found: The Agile project was 4X cheaper than the cost of the equivalent waterfall project, AND.

Can Agile and Waterfall work together?

As defined by Erick Bergmann and Andy Hamilton, the Agile-Waterfall hybrid typically allows teams developing software to work within the Agile methodology, while hardware development teams and product managers stick to the Waterfall approach.

2 Answers

First off - ask yourself are you really doing Agile? If you are then you should have already delivered a large portion of usable functionality to the client which satisfied their requirements in the earlier sprints. In theory, the "damage" should be limited to the final sprint where you discovered you needed large design changes. That being the case you should have proven your ability to deliver and now need a dialogue with the client to plan the changes now required.

However given your description I suspect you have fallen into the trap of just developing on a two week cycle without actually delivering into production each time and have a fixed end date in mind for the first proper release. If this is the case then you're really doing iterative waterfall without the requirements analysis/design up front - a bad place to be usually.

Full waterfall is not necessarily the answer (there's enough evidence to show what the problems are with it), but some amount of upfront planning and design is generally far preferable in practice to the "pure" Agile ethos of emergent architecture (which fits with a Lean approach actually). Big projects simply cannot hope to achieve a sensible stable architectural foundation if they just start hacking at code and hope it'll all come good some number of sprints down the line.

In addition to the above another common problem with "pure" Agile is client expectation management. Agile is sold as this wonderful thing that means the client can defer decisions, change their mind and add new requirements as they see fit. HOWEVER that doesn't mean the end date / budget / effort required remains fixed, but people always seem to miss that part.

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Paolo Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09


The agile development methodologies are particularly appropriate when you have unclear requirements and when you may need to make design changes at later stages in your project. Waterfall is a less appropriate approach in this case. The waterfall approach is appropriate for projects which are well understood and when the requirements are unlikely to change during the project's lifetime. It doesn't sound like that is the case here.

How long are your sprints? An alternative approach might be to decrease the sprint length - at least at the start of the project. Deliver new versions to the customer more often and discuss the changes with the customer. If you aren't doing what they want this will become apparent more quickly so less time will be wasted on implementing solutions that don't meet the customer's requirements.

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Mark Byers Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09

Mark Byers