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GitLab CI syntax to write FOR loop statement?

Below is the script mentioned in the gitlab-ci.yml file. This GitLab CI configuration is valid. But, when the CI/CD build is run, the job fails. Is it something to do with the FOR loop syntax?

  stage: deploy_dv
    GIT_STRATEGY: none
  - echo "Deploying Artifacts..."
  - echo "Configure JFrog CLI with parameters of your Artifactory instance"
  - 'c:\build-tools\JFROG-CLI\jfrog rt config --url  %ARTIFACTORY_WEBSITE% --user %ARTIFACTORY_USER% --apikey %APIKEY%'
  - 'cd ..\artifacts'
  - FOR %%i in (*) do (
        'c:\build-tools\curl\bin\curl.exe --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:%HCA_ACCESS_TOKEN%" --insecure https://code.example.com/api/repository/tags/%CI_COMMIT_TAG% | c:\build-tools\jq\jq-win64.exe ".release.description" > temp.txt'
         'set /p releasenote=<temp.txt'
         'rem del temp.txt'
         'set mydate=%DATE:~6,4%-%DATE:~3,2%-%DATE:~0,2%'
         'c:\build-tools\JFROG-CLI\jfrog rt u "%%i" %ARTIFACTORY_ROOT_PATH%/%PROJECT_NAME%/%%i --build-name=%%i --build-number=%BUILDVERSION%  --props releasenote=%releasenote%;releaseversion=%BUILDVERSION%;releasedate=%mydate% --flat=false'

    - '%CURL% -X POST -F token=%REPOSITORY_TOKEN% -F ref=master  -F "variables[RELEASE]=false" -F "variables[PROGRAM]=test" --insecure https://code.example.com/api/repository/trigger'

  - /^(dv-)(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+)$/

I get this below error:

  $ echo "Deploying Artifacts..."
"Deploying Artifacts..."
$ echo "Configure JFrog CLI with parameters of your Artifactory instance"
"Configure JFrog CLI with parameters of your Artifactory instance"
$ c:\build-tools\JFROG-CLI\jfrog rt config --url  %ARTIFACTORY_WEBSITE% --user %ARTIFACTORY_USER% --apikey %APIKEY%
Artifactory server ID [Default-Server]: $ cd ..\artifacts
$ FOR %%i in (*) do ( 'c:\build-tools\curl\bin\curl.exe --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:%HCA_ACCESS_TOKEN%" --insecure  https://code.example.com/api/repository/tags/%CI_COMMIT_TAG% | c:\build-tools\jq\jq-win64.exe ".release.description" > temp.txt' 'set /p releasenote=<temp.txt' 'rem del temp.txt' 'set mydate=%DATE:~6,4%-%DATE:~3,2%-%DATE:~0,2%' 'c:\build-tools\JFROG-CLI\jfrog rt u "%%i" %ARTIFACTORY_ROOT_PATH%/%PROJECT_NAME%/%%i --build-name=%%i --build-number=%BUILDVERSION%  --props releasenote=%releasenote%;releaseversion=%BUILDVERSION%;releasedate=%mydate% --flat=false' )
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 255
like image 580
user2301 Avatar asked Sep 18 '18 13:09


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How do you comment out in GitLab CI?

Comments begin with the number sign (#), can start anywhere on a line and continue until the end of the line. Comments must be separated from other tokens by whitespace characters.

What is GitLab CI YAML file to?

GitLab CI uses a YAML file ( . gitlab-ci. yml ) for project configuration. This file is placed in the root of the repository and defines the project's Pipelines, Jobs, and Environments. The YAML file defines a set of jobs with constraints for when they should be run.

2 Answers

Since there is still no good answer to this question, I will give it a try. I used this snippet to start multiple Docker builds for every directory in my repository. Notice the |+ and the > characters, which lets you put multi-line commands in YAML and are part of GitLab syntax.

Linux example:

  stage: loop
    - |+
      for i in $(seq 1 3)
        echo "Hello $i"

Windows example:

  stage: loop
    - >
      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
      for %%a in ("C:\Test\*.txt") do (
        set FileName=%%~a
        echo Filename is: !FileName!
like image 118
Nebulastic Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09


Here is a working example of a job in a .gitlab-ci with a loop running on GNU/Linux OS and using Sh/Bash shell :

  stage: edit
     - for file in  $(find ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} -type f -name deployment.yml)
         CURRENT_IMAGE=$(grep "image:" $file | cut -d':' -f2- | tr -d '[:space:]' | cut -d':' -f3)
         sed -ie "s/$CURRENT_IMAGE/$VERSION/g" "$file"
     - master

I'm not an expert on Gitlab-Runner on Windows but Windows Batch is default shell used but you can also use Powershell.

like image 26
Nicolas Pepinster Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 05:09

Nicolas Pepinster