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How to upload projects on gitlab by user?



We are using Gitlab (7.5.3).

I created a Repository, but I want to upload my project to it.

I've looked on the repository page for an upload button of some kind but I haven't seen anything of the sort.

I've looked at the links provided so far but I'm still getting nowhere. They mention command line, is that Windows command line ?

I am able to upload through Git GUI, how to upload without Git GUI?

And when I login to user account through putty ,it shows

login as: root
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Tue May 26 12:20:10 2015 from
![grep: write error]

Does anyone knows how we can solve these issue?

like image 615
prabhuk cfs Avatar asked May 26 '15 06:05

prabhuk cfs

People also ask

How do I upload to someone else's GitHub?

Go into the directory for your project. Add a connection to your friend's version of the github repository, if you haven't already. Pull his/her changes. Push them back to your github repository.

2 Answers

If you have Git GUI, you probably also have Git Bash which provide command line support for git inside Windows.

You can use this Git Bash to upload your project. For this, you just need some git command, and you don't have to log in the Gitlab's server (I supposed it's why you tried). This command are provided by Gitlab when you create a new project and want to upload it.

First open Git Bash. Then :

cd c:\Users\Me\..\my_project\   # Go to your project directory in Windows
git init                        # Initialize this directory as a git repo
git remote add origin git@your_gitlab_server_ip:your_username/your_project_name.git
git push -u origin master`      # Send your code to your Gitlab instance

It's also a good idead to provide to git some info about you. This infos will be displayed by Gitlab :

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your_name@your_mail.com"

Remember that with Gitlab the only interaction between your git's repo and Gitlab should happend through the git command, and not with login to this server.

like image 158
PierreF Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10


Try this 4 step push project to gitlab --> open command line.

cd to/path/local
git init
git remote add anything_name name http://scmgit.ktb/username/projectname.git
git push -u test anything_name master

Hope is save you day.

like image 43
superup Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10
