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Github syntax highlight style scheme for Gedit?

I like the syntax highlight style scheme used for R scripts in github and I would like to get it to my gedit editor. Where could I get it?

like image 861
Manuel Ramón Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 08:12

Manuel Ramón

People also ask

How do I add color scheme to gedit?

Open the gedit menu from the top bar, then select Preferences ▸ Font & Colors. Choose your desired color scheme.

What syntax theme does GitHub use?

CSS. The CSS syntax theme is based on a custom syntax highlighter in use by GitHub.

Where do I put gedit themes?

Themes are stored in the $HOME/. local/share/gedit/styles directory. This is a hidden directory in your home. Simply copy all theme xml files to this directory.

2 Answers

The easiest way to get R syntax highlighting in Gedit is the RGedit add-on: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rgedit/

RGedit also allows executing R code from within Gedit, which is very handy.

Here's a screenshot of how I have my RGedit set up. I use a custom color pallet but you could alter the color scheme to look more like Github:

alt text

The lower pane is the R session (black on white) and the upper pane is the text editor (color on black).

like image 73
JD Long Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 10:10

JD Long

gedit doesn't seem to have much in "syntax highlighting plugins":

  • Smart Highlighting gedit
  • QuickHighlightMode

Both doesn't support easily any language definition.

Maybe another editor (like bluefish for instance) would be more appropriate.

like image 24
VonC Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10
