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Git repository backwards compatibility

I just had a quick question about git - how backwards compatible are git repositories? Eg., I've created a repository using git 1.6.4 and the svn2git ruby script, but I want to put it on a machine that's running Debian Lenny, which has git Would I still be able to interact with the repository properly?

like image 385
Ibrahim Avatar asked Aug 21 '09 23:08


People also ask

Is git backwards compatible?

It's extremely backward compatible in terms of the actual storage of information, which is all you're worried about in this case.

What can be solved using backward compatibility?

Backward compatibility can be used to preserve older software that would have otherwise been lost when a manufacturer decides to stop supporting older hardware. Classic video games are a common example used when discussing the value of supporting older software.

Are GitLab runners backwards compatible?

Compatibility with GitLab versionsBackward compatibility is guaranteed between minor version updates, but be aware that minor version updates of GitLab can introduce new features which will require the Runner to be on the same minor version.

1 Answers

It's extremely backward compatible in terms of the actual storage of information, which is all you're worried about in this case. I'm not a total expert, but I doubt that's changed since the first stable release.

The only compatibility problem I can think come up with is if the two versions of git are working on the exact same repo (not clones) and there are options/aliases set in the .git/config that work in the newer version but were not [fully] implemented in the older version... but even then you'd have to try pretty hard with versions this close. And again, this isn't anything to do with the actual information in the repo, just the commands you use to manage it. That's where the development of git is taking place.

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Cascabel Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11
