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git gc: no space left on device, even though 3GB available and tmp_pack only 16MB




> git gc --aggressive --prune=now
Counting objects: 68752, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (66685/66685), done.
fatal: sha1 file '.git/objects/pack/tmp_pack_cO6T53' write error: No space left on device

sigh, ok

df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        19G   15G  3.0G  84% /
udev            485M  4.0K  485M   1% /dev
tmpfs            99M  296K   99M   1% /run
none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none            494M     0  494M   0% /run/shm
cgroup          494M     0  494M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

doesn't look that bad

ls -lh .git/objects/pack/
total 580M
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root  12K Oct 30 05:47 pack-0301f67f3b080de7eb0139b982fa732338c49064.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 5.1M Oct 30 05:47 pack-0301f67f3b080de7eb0139b982fa732338c49064.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 5.1K Oct 14 10:51 pack-27da727e362bcf2493ac01326a8c93f96517a488.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 100K Oct 14 10:51 pack-27da727e362bcf2493ac01326a8c93f96517a488.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root  11K Oct 25 10:35 pack-4dce80846752e6d813fc9eb0a0385cf6ce106d9b.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 2.6M Oct 25 10:35 pack-4dce80846752e6d813fc9eb0a0385cf6ce106d9b.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 1.6M Apr  3  2014 pack-4dcef34b411c8159e3f5a975d6fcac009a411850.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 290M Apr  3  2014 pack-4dcef34b411c8159e3f5a975d6fcac009a411850.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root  40K Oct 26 11:53 pack-87529eb2c9e58e0f3ca0be00e644ec5ba5250973.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 6.1M Oct 26 11:53 pack-87529eb2c9e58e0f3ca0be00e644ec5ba5250973.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 1.6M Apr 19  2014 pack-9d5ab71d6787ba2671c807790890d96f03926b84.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 102M Apr 19  2014 pack-9d5ab71d6787ba2671c807790890d96f03926b84.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 1.6M Oct  3 10:12 pack-af6562bdbbf444103930830a13c11908dbb599a8.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 151M Oct  3 10:12 pack-af6562bdbbf444103930830a13c11908dbb599a8.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 4.7K Oct 20 11:02 pack-c0830d7a0343dd484286b65d380b6ae5053ec685.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 125K Oct 20 11:02 pack-c0830d7a0343dd484286b65d380b6ae5053ec685.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 6.2K Oct  2 15:38 pack-c20278ebc16273d24880354af3e395929728481a.idx
-r--r--r-- 1 foouser root 4.2M Oct  2 15:38 pack-c20278ebc16273d24880354af3e395929728481a.pack
-r--r--r-- 1 root          root  16M Feb 27 08:19 tmp_pack_cO6T53

So, git gc bails out on a tmp pack that's only 16MB big while my disk appears to have 3GB free. What am I missing? How can I get git gc to work more reliably? I've tried without aggressive option and --prune instead of --prune=now as well, same story.


Doing a df -h during the repack action it shows that it is now using all my disk (100% usage). A little while later the repack action fails and it leaves another 14MB file in the .git/objects/pack/ folder. So, to recap, my packs use a total of 580MB. git repack somehow manages to use up 3GB to repack that. I have ~800MB free in the RAM after it's done btw. - maybe it's using so much working memory that it clogs up the swap? I guess my question comes down to: Are there options to make git repack less resource hungry?

versions: git version on Ubuntu 12.04

Update 2 I've updated git to 2.3. Didn't change anything unfortunately.

> git --version
git version 2.3.0
> git repack -Ad && git prune
Counting objects: 68752, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (36893/36893), done.
fatal: sha1 file '.git/objects/pack/tmp_pack_N9jyVJ' write error: No space left on device

Update 3

Ok, so I just noticed something that is curious: the .git directory actually uses much more disk space than the 508MB previously reported.

> du -h -d 1 ./.git
8.0K    ./.git/info
40K ./.git/hooks
24M ./.git/modules
28K ./.git/refs
4.0K    ./.git/branches
140K    ./.git/logs
5.0G    ./.git/objects
5.0G    ./.git

Upon further inspection .git/objects/pack actually uses 4.5GB. The differences lies in hidden temp files I didn't notice before:

ls -lha ./.git/objects/pack/
total 4.5G
drwxr-xr-x   2 foouser root  56K Feb 27 15:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 260 foouser root 4.0K Oct 26 14:24 ..
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root  12K Oct 30 05:47 pack-0301f67f3b080de7eb0139b982fa732338c49064.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 5.1M Oct 30 05:47 pack-0301f67f3b080de7eb0139b982fa732338c49064.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 5.1K Oct 14 10:51 pack-27da727e362bcf2493ac01326a8c93f96517a488.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 100K Oct 14 10:51 pack-27da727e362bcf2493ac01326a8c93f96517a488.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root  11K Oct 25 10:35 pack-4dce80846752e6d813fc9eb0a0385cf6ce106d9b.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 2.6M Oct 25 10:35 pack-4dce80846752e6d813fc9eb0a0385cf6ce106d9b.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 1.6M Apr  3  2014 pack-4dcef34b411c8159e3f5a975d6fcac009a411850.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 290M Apr  3  2014 pack-4dcef34b411c8159e3f5a975d6fcac009a411850.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root  40K Oct 26 11:53 pack-87529eb2c9e58e0f3ca0be00e644ec5ba5250973.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 6.1M Oct 26 11:53 pack-87529eb2c9e58e0f3ca0be00e644ec5ba5250973.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 1.6M Apr 19  2014 pack-9d5ab71d6787ba2671c807790890d96f03926b84.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 102M Apr 19  2014 pack-9d5ab71d6787ba2671c807790890d96f03926b84.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 1.6M Oct  3 10:12 pack-af6562bdbbf444103930830a13c11908dbb599a8.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 151M Oct  3 10:12 pack-af6562bdbbf444103930830a13c11908dbb599a8.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 4.7K Oct 20 11:02 pack-c0830d7a0343dd484286b65d380b6ae5053ec685.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 125K Oct 20 11:02 pack-c0830d7a0343dd484286b65d380b6ae5053ec685.pack
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 6.2K Oct  2 15:38 pack-c20278ebc16273d24880354af3e395929728481a.idx
-r--r--r--   1 foouser root 4.2M Oct  2 15:38 pack-c20278ebc16273d24880354af3e395929728481a.pack
-r--r--r--   1 root          root 1.1K Feb 27 15:37 .tmp-7729-pack-00447364da9dfe647c89bb7797c48c79589a4e44.idx
-r--r--r--   1 root          root  14M Feb 27 15:29 .tmp-7729-pack-00447364da9dfe647c89bb7797c48c79589a4e44.pack
-r--r--r--   1 root          root 1.1K Feb 27 15:32 .tmp-7729-pack-020efaa9c7caf8b792081f89b27361093f00c2db.idx
-r--r--r--   1 root          root  41M Feb 27 15:30 .tmp-7729-pack-020efaa9c7caf8b792081f89b27361093f00c2db.pack
-r--r--r--   1 root          root 1.1K Feb 27 15:37 .tmp-7729-pack-051980133b8f0052b66dce418b4d3899de0d1342.idx
(continuing for a *long* while). 

Now I'd like to know: Is it safe to just delete those?

like image 260
Michel Müller Avatar asked Feb 27 '15 07:02

Michel Müller

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1 Answers

So here is what I found out so far: I couldn't find any documentation about these hidden '.tmp-XXXX-pack' in the .git/objects/pack folder. All other threads I can find are about non-hidden files with tmp_ prefix in the same folder. The hidden ones are also clearly created during the repack action and it's possible that these get stuck as well. I can't confirm whether that's still possible in git 2.3.0 (which I've updated to since), but at least the disk space requirement doesn't seem to have changed in this newer version - it still can't complete gc/repack. By deleting these .tmp-files I was able to recover my last 4GB and git still seems to behave fine afterwards - your results may vary though, so please make sure you have a backup before doing this. Finally, even 4GB wasn't enough to repack with gc --agressive. My .git folder is 1.1GB after the cleanup, my entire repository is 1.7GB. So 2x the size of your repository is possibly not enough for git gc, even with the aggressive option (which should save space). So I had to recover more space from elsewhere first.

Finally, here is what I have in my cleanup script now (which I think might be a good idea to call from a cron job):

set -e

#git gc or remove tmp if that fails (because out of disk space)
git gc --aggressive --prune=now || rm -f .git/objects/*/tmp_* && rm -f .git/objects/*/.tmp-*
like image 69
Michel Müller Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Michel Müller