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After merge of release branch, why is master 1 commit ahead of develop?




I am still new to this so I am trying to understand why master ends up 1 commit ahead of develop instead of the same after merging a release branch back into develop and master.

My develop branch was 5 commits ahead of master, then I created a release branch and tagged which was also 5 commits ahead of master, then I merged release branch back into develop and master but master ends up 1 commit ahead of develop.

Is this because no changes were made to the release branch and it was the same as develop so the merge didn't create a commit on develop but it did on master which makes master 1 commit ahead even though master and develop now are the same at this point?

Is this ok? Will this cause any problems?

like image 692
OutOFTouch Avatar asked Jun 07 '16 16:06


People also ask

Does merging create a new commit?

Merging your branch into master is the most common way to do this. Git creates a new commit (M) that is referred to as a merge commit that results from combining the changes from your feature branch and master from the point where the two branches diverged.

How can a branch be ahead and behind master?

A branch can be both ahead and behind at the same time if you have made changes to your branch, and someone else have made changes on the default branch that you have not merged into your branch yet. I have a branch with 6 commits, and it shows 4 commits behind master in Bitbucket Cloud.

What happens when you commit to a merged branch?

When you perform a merge, you effectively merge one branch into another—typically a feature branch or bug fix branch into a main branch such as master or develop. Not only will the code changes get merged in, but also all the commits that went into the feature branch.

What happens if I merge master into branch?

If the merge request is approved without conflict, the GitLab master will merge into the branch, and both the master and release branches will be in sync. The source code and sample project used for these examples can be found on the gitlab-made-easy project page on GitLab.

1 Answers

The issue is that the merge commit is being detected. Your commit history probably looks something like this:

*------------------ A [master]
 \                 /
  *---*---*---*---B [develop,release]

Commit B is, as you mention, 5 commits ahead of master. When you merged the release branch back into master, this created a merge commit, A. That merge commit does not yet exist in develop.

This is not something that you need to worry about, because the merge commit doesn't contain any changes itself, it only merges the two histories together. Normally, that commit will automatically end up in develop next time you finish a hotfix branch anyway.

like image 138
Scott Weldon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11

Scott Weldon