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Git add all files modified, deleted, and untracked?

People also ask

How do you git add all the changes?

Enter git add --all at the command line prompt in your local project directory to add the files or changes to the repository. Enter git status to see the changes to be committed. Enter git commit -m '<commit_message>' at the command line to commit new files/changes to the local repository.

Does git add stage deleted files?

git add . stages the new files and modifications but not deletions.

How do I fix nothing added to commit but untracked files?

To fix this error, either add the files causing the error to the staging area or ignore them using the . gitignore file.


git add -A

Warning: Starting with git 2.0 (mid 2013), this will always stage files on the whole working tree.
If you want to stage files under the current path of your working tree, you need to use:

git add -A .

Also see: Difference of git add -A and git add .


git add -u

The "u" option stands for update. This will update the repo and actually delete files from the repo that you have deleted in your local copy.

git add -u [filename]

to stage a delete to just one file. Once pushed, the file will no longer be in the repo.


git add -A .

is equivalent to

git add .

git add -u .

Note the extra '.' on git add -A and git add -u

Warning: Starting with git 2.0 (mid 2013), this will always stage files on the whole working tree.
If you want to stage files under the current path of your working tree, you need to use:

git add -A .

Also see: Difference of git add -A and git add .

The following answer only applies to Git version 1.x, but to Git version 2.x.

You want git add -A:

git add -A stages All;

git add . stages new and modified, without deleted;

git add -u stages modified and deleted, without new.

git add --all or git add -A or git add -A . Stages All

git add . Stages New & Modified But Without Deleted

git add -u Stages Modified & Deleted But Without New

git commit -a Means git add -u And git commit -m "message"

After writing this command follow these steps:-

  1. press i
  2. write your message
  3. press esc
  4. press :wq
  5. press enter

git add <list of files> add specific file

git add *.txt add all the txt files in current directory

git add docs/*/txt add all txt files in docs directory

git add docs/ add all files in docs directory

git add "*.txt" or git add '*.txt' add all the files in the whole project

I'm not sure if it will add deleted files, but git add . from the root will add all untracked files.

This is my alternative (in any bash):

$ git status -s|awk '{ print $2 }'|xargs git add

To reset

$ git status -s|awk '{ print $2 }'|xargs git reset HEAD

I authored the G2 project, a friendly environment for the command line git lover.
Please get the project from github - G2 https://github.com/orefalo/g2

It has a bunch of handy commands, one of them being exactly what your are looking for: freeze

freeze - Freeze all files in the repository (additions, deletions, modifications) to the staging area, thus staging that content for inclusion in the next commit. Also accept a specific path as parameter