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How can I view the Git history in Visual Studio Code?

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How do I find code history in Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code allows us to check the history of navigated files in Navigation History lists. You can open this window from “Goto–> Navigation History” or by just simply pressing Ctrl + Tab. This will bring list of all previously navigated files with in Visual Studio Code.

How do I view change history in Visual Studio?

In the Pending Changes window, expand the component and navigate to the file or folder, then right-click the file or folder and select Show History. In the Change Summary window, open a change set, right-click a file or folder in the change set and click Show History.

How do I view git in Visual Studio?

The new Git experience is the default version control system in Visual Studio 2019 from version 16.8 onwards. However, if you want to turn it off, you can. Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Preview Features and then toggle the New Git user experience checkbox, which will switch you back to Team Explorer for Git.

I recommend you this repository, https://github.com/DonJayamanne/gitHistoryVSCode

Git HistoryGit History

It does exactly what you need and has these features:

  • View the details of a commit, such as author name, email, date, committer name, email, date and comments.
  • View a previous copy of the file or compare it against the local workspace version or a previous version.
  • View the changes to the active line in the editor (Git Blame).
  • Configure the information displayed in the list
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to view history of a file or line
  • View the Git log (along with details of a commit, such as author name, email, comments and file changes).

GitLens has a nice Git history browser. Install GitLens from the extensions marketplace, and then run "Show GitLens Explorer" from the command palette.

You won't need a plugin to see commit history with Visual Studio Code 1.44 or more.

Timeline view

This is a unified view for visualizing time-series events (for example, Git commits, file saves, test runs, etc.) for a file. The Timeline view automatically updates showing the timeline for the currently active editor, by default. You can control this default behavior by toggling the eye icon in the view toolbar. Also, similar to other views, the Timeline view supports find or filter as you type.

The Timeline view is collapsed by default at the bottom of the File Explorer. Selecting the Timeline sash will expand the Timeline view.

enter image description here


Here is the Timeline view in action:

enter image description here

It is evident to me that GitLens is the most popular extension for Git history.

enter image description here

What I like the most it can provide you side annotations when some line has been changed the last time and by whom.

Enter image description here

I would recommend using Git Graph extension.