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Getting the current page

People also ask

Which method returns the URL of the current page?

Window Location Hrefhref property returns the URL of the current page.

How do I get the current page number in Javascript?

var lighboxHeight = (pagenumber-1)*window.

How do I get the current URL in WordPress?

As an alternative way (not an all-in-one solution), WordPress has its own functions which you can utilize depending on a page that is currently being displayed. Let's take a look at the examples below. $current_url = home_url( '/' ); That's it, feel free to try!

There is no UIScrollView property for the current page. You can calculate it with:

int page = scrollView.contentOffset.x / scrollView.frame.size.width;

If you want to round up or down to the nearest page, use:

CGFloat width = scrollView.frame.size.width;
NSInteger page = (scrollView.contentOffset.x + (0.5f * width)) / width;

I pretty recommend you to use this code

int indexOfPage = scrollView.contentOffset.x / scrollView.frame.size.width;

but if you use this code your view doesn't need to be exactly on the page that indexOfPage gives you. It because I also recommend you to use this code only in this method

-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{}

which is called when your scrollView finishes scrolling and to have number of your page really sharp

I recommend you to set your scrollView to paged enabled with this code

[scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];

So finally it should look like that way

-(void) methodWhereYouSetYourScrollView
   //set scrollView
   [scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];
   scrollView.delegate = self;

-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
   int indexOfPage = scrollView.contentOffset.x / scrollView.frame.size.width;
   //your stuff with index

In swift I would do it in extension:

extension UIScrollView {
    var currentPage:Int{
        return Int((self.contentOffset.x+(0.5*self.frame.size.width))/self.frame.width)+1

Then just call:


As above but as a category

@interface UIScrollView (CurrentPage)
-(int) currentPage;
@implementation UIScrollView (CurrentPage)
-(int) currentPage{
    CGFloat pageWidth = self.frame.size.width;
    return floor((self.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;