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Getting relative source/destination in Gulp task

Let's say I have a file at /Users/me/app/src/scripts/foo.js. I set up a gulp tasks that writes this file to /Users/me/app/dist/scripts/foo.js:

gulp.src('src/scripts/foo.js', base: 'src')

I'm writing a simple plugin and need to know scripts/foo.js. I was expecting file.relative to be this partial path, but instead it provides foo.js. I don't see a way to get scripts/foo.js from any combination of file.path, file.cwd, file.base, etc.

How can I get the part of the path I need?

like image 737
knite Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 20:04


1 Answers

Assuming that you want the path relative to your specified base, you would want to use something like node's path module to do the extraction:

var path = require('path');
// this is how you get the relative path from a vinyl file instance
path.relative(path.join(file.cwd, file.base), file.path);

Here is an example gulpfile using your example:

var path = require('path'),
    gulp = require('gulp'),
    through = require('through2');

function parsePath() {
    return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
        console.log(path.relative(path.join(file.cwd, file.base), file.path))

gulp.task('default', function () {
    gulp.src('src/scripts/foo.js', { base: 'src'})

Here is the output when I run this gulpfile:


Here is the project folder structure

    |_ gulpfile.js
    |_ src/scripts/foo.js
    |_ dist
like image 91
Lim H. Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10

Lim H.