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Getting notified when the current application changes in Cocoa



I want to be notified when the current application will change. I looked at NSWorkspace. It will send notifications only when your own application becomes active or loses the activity. I want to be informed about every application. How can I do this in Cocoa?

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cocoafan Avatar asked Apr 18 '09 06:04


2 Answers

If you're targeting 10.6 or later there's a notification for this:

// NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(foremostAppActivated:) name:NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification object:nil];

Apple docs: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSWorkspace_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000391-SW97

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mrwalker Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10


Thank you Jason. kEventAppFrontSwitched in Carbon Event Manager is the magic word

- (void) setupAppFrontSwitchedHandler
    EventTypeSpec spec = { kEventClassApplication,  kEventAppFrontSwitched };
    OSStatus err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(AppFrontSwitchedHandler), 1, &spec, (void*)self, NULL);

    if (err)
        NSLog(@"Could not install event handler");

- (void) appFrontSwitched {
    NSLog(@"%@", [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] activeApplication]);

And the handler

static OSStatus AppFrontSwitchedHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
    [(id)inUserData appFrontSwitched];
    return 0;
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cocoafan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10
