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NSTextField enter to trigger action

I've been looking all over for a simple example of how to have an action (or button) be triggered when the enter key is hit in the text field.

Should I subclass the text field? Would I need to set a delegate to call the action I need? Is there a way to catch the event in my main window controller class?

If you could even just point me to the right direction that would be great. Thanks.

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Chris Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 05:04


3 Answers

The site that is referenced in the comments to the accepted answer ... is now "SUSPENDED" by the webhost, and Google cache doesn't have the screenshot that contains the key step.

So, here's an alternative solution I found that:

  1. works perfectly
  2. does NOT require subclassing

For some keys (Enter, Delete, Backspace, etc), Apple does NOT invoke the normal controlTextDidEndEditing: etc methods. Instead, Apple does individual selectors for each magic key - but there's a method you can use to intercept it.

Apple's official docs here:


...but in case that vanishes / gets moved, add this method into your delegate:

- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)fieldEditor doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector
    BOOL retval = NO;

    if (commandSelector == @selector(insertNewline:)) {

        retval = YES; // causes Apple to NOT fire the default enter action

        // Do your special handling of the "enter" key here


    NSLog(@"Selector = %@", NSStringFromSelector( commandSelector ) );

    return retval;  

In my case, I wanted to override the backspace key too - running the app with this method, I got output saying that the selector was "deleteBackward:", so I added another if-statement in there to react to that.

like image 73
Adam Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09


To get action after you hit enter just write an IBAction in your window controller and connect to your text field. If you want more like your method should be called when you focus on text field and leave the text field you need to set delegate(See here).

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Raviprakash Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09


Just connect an IBAction of your controller class with a text field. The action should be called with you hit enter or leave the text field with Tab or Mouse.

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TalkingCode Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09
