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Getting Multiple items from Chrome storage?

I have 4 items which I'd like to get but I'm unsure how to separate the keys. Using comma gives an error. Here is an example of my usage:

  }, function(backgroundCheckedOptions) {
    document.getElementById('optionsCustomImage').checked = backgroundCheckedOptions.customImage;
    document.getElementById('optionsBackgroundColor').checked = backgroundCheckedOptions.customColor;
    document.getElementById('optionsRandomColor').checked = backgroundCheckedOptions.customRandColor;
    document.getElementById('optionsRandomImage').checked = backgroundCheckedOptions.customRandImage;

I would have assumed they would be separated by a comma, but I guess not.

like image 363
Jamie Avatar asked Mar 24 '15 00:03


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1 Answers

From the Chrome Storage documentation, it says:

StorageArea.get(string or array of string or object keys, function callback)

Easiest would be to pass an array by replacing your {} with []

like image 86
Zig Mandel Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10

Zig Mandel