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Add icon to child context menu

I want to add an icon to my child context menus. But right now, the chrome extension options for context menu doesnt provide any option to add icon while creating a child menu.
I can add icon to the parent menu using the icon parameter in manifest file. But no option for the child menu.
Any idea how I might achieve this?

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Bibhas Debnath Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 06:07

Bibhas Debnath

1 Answers

A possible workaround is using Unicode Symbols:

example of context menu with icons

Adapted code from this Google sample:

// Create a parent item and two children.
chrome.contextMenus.create({"title": "⛔ Parent", "id": "parent"});
  {"title": "♣ Child 1", "parentId": "parent", "id": "child1"});
  {"title": "⚑ Child 2", "parentId": "parent", "id": "child2"});

The submenu "Radio 1" behaves as a radio button, and it's defined with chrome.contextMenus.create({"title": "Radio 1", "type": "radio", "id": "radio1"});

This is just one of many pages of symbols:

screenshot from unicode-table.com

like image 163
brasofilo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
