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Detect a button click in the browser_action form of a Google Chrome Extension

How can something so simple be so impossible?

All I want to do is click the browser_action button of my extension, open a form with a couple of settings, and then click the button on the form to kick off a process.

I cannot for the life of me get the button click in the background form to work.

I have tried to get the example at http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contentSecurityPolicy.html#H2-3 to work, but it doesn't. Is there a difference between rules for browser_action and background? Is that why my event listener is not firing?

Can someone provide a working example, please?


    "name": "Convert",
    "version": "0.1",
    "description": "Converts the current page",
    "browser_action": {
        "default_icon": "exticon.png",
        "default_popup": "background.html"
    "content_scripts": [{
        "matches": ["*://*/*"],
        "js": ["contentscript_static.js"]
    "permissions": [
        "tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"


        <script src="background.js"/>
        // Initialize the localStorage
        if (null == localStorage["htmlImport"])
           localStorage["htmlImport"] = false;

        // Called when the user clicks on the browser action icon.
        chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
            console.log('in listener');
                 // execute the content script
                       file: "contentscript.js",
                       allFrames: true   // It doesn't work before

        // Listen to the requests from the content script
              function(request, sender, sendResponse)
                 switch (request.name)
                    case "getPreferences":
                             prefIgnoreLinks : localStorage["htmlImport"]

                    case "PressShortcut":
                       sendResponse({});  // don't response.

                       // execute the content script
                             file: "contentscript.js",
                             allFrames: true   // It doesn't work before


                       sendResponse({});  // don't response.

    <body style='min-width:250px;'>
        Link depth: <input type='text' name='depth' value='3'/><br/>
        <input type='checkbox' name='changedomain'>Include external domains</input><br/>
        <button id='beginConvert'>Convert</button>


function awesome() {
  // Do something awesome!
function totallyAwesome() {
  // do something TOTALLY awesome!

function awesomeTask() {

function clickHandler(e) {
  setTimeout(awesomeTask, 1000);
// Add event listeners once the DOM has fully loaded by listening for the
// `DOMContentLoaded` event on the document, and adding your listeners to
// specific elements when it triggers.
//document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
//  document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);

// Add event listeners once the DOM has fully loaded by listening for the
// DOMContentLoaded event on the document, and adding your listeners to
// specific elements when it triggers.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
//  console.log('event listener for button connected to beginConversion()');
    //document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', beginConversion);
    document.getElementById('beginConvert').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
like image 663
Lee Grey Avatar asked Aug 16 '12 21:08

Lee Grey

People also ask

How do I inspect a Google extension?

One of the easiest ways to inspect a specific web element in Chrome is to simply right-click on that particular element and select the Inspect option. Clicking on the Inspect option from the right-click menu will directly open the Developer tools including the editor, Console, Sources, and other tools.

How do I click on an extension icon in Chrome?

To the right of your address bar, find your extensions' icons. On your computer, open Chrome. Drag the extension's icon to its new place.

How do I know if I have unwanted extensions in Chrome?

Open Chrome, and click / tap the menu button “…” Click / tap More Tools. Click / tap Extensions. You'll see a page of all your downloaded extensions.

Where do I find the Add to Chrome button?

Open the Chrome Web Store. In the left column, click Apps or Extensions. Browse or search for what you'd like to add. When you find an app or extension you'd like to add, click Add to Chrome.

2 Answers

Your Goal

  • Click extension button
  • Extension popup window opens with controls
  • Execute script on current tab based on controls in extension popup


  • Think of the background page as the control hub. It takes incoming requests from various scripts in your Chrome extension, has elevated permissions to do things like cross-domain requests (if defined in the manifest), and more.
  • You should use the manifest version 2 since version 1 is deprecated.
  • Manifest version 2 doesn't allow inline scripts so all scripts will need to be loaded as their own file.



    "name": "Stackoverflow Popup Example",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "version": "0.1",
    "description": "Run process on page activated by click in extension popup",
    "browser_action": {
        "default_popup": "popup.html"
    "background": {
        "scripts": ["background.js"]
    "permissions": [
        "tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"


    function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
        switch (request.directive) {
        case "popup-click":
            // execute the content script
            chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { // defaults to the current tab
                file: "contentscript.js", // script to inject into page and run in sandbox
                allFrames: true // This injects script into iframes in the page and doesn't work before
            sendResponse({}); // sending back empty response to sender
            // helps debug when request directive doesn't match
            alert("Unmatched request of '" + request + "' from script to background.js from " + sender);


        <script src="popup.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css" media="screen">
            body { min-width:250px; text-align: center; }
            #click-me { font-size: 20px; }
        <button id='click-me'>Click Me!</button>


function clickHandler(e) {
    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({directive: "popup-click"}, function(response) {
        this.close(); // close the popup when the background finishes processing request

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    document.getElementById('click-me').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);


console.log("chrome extension party!");

Running Example Screenshots

Clicking extension button with browser window opened to exampley.com

Clicking extension button with browser window opened to exampley.com

After clicking 'Click Me!' button in extension popup

After clicking 'Click Me!' button in extension popup

Example files in zip


like image 155
Mike Grace Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 13:11

Mike Grace

The previous answer does not work anymore and it took me a few hours to understand how to manage a work around. I hope this can get you going faster then me.

First, you the last method in this page (by the bottom of the page) and it is asynchronous, so remember to give it a callback. The code you need is smtg like this:

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function (tab) {
    chrome.tabs.query({'active': true}, getActiveTabCallback);

Second, you need to understand one thing that took me some time: if you are not using a background html page you won't be able to see any console.log in your main Chrome window. You need to go to the extension page (chrome://extensions) and click in your extensions background page link (yes, you don't have a background page but Chrome gives you a fake one). This type of extension (based on events) should have the manifest.json containing smtg like this:

"background": {
    "scripts": ["background.js"],
    "persistent": false


like image 21
marcelocra Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 12:11
