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Getting length of HashTable in powershell



I'm new to powershell and trying to get the length of a HashTable (to use in a for loop), but I can't seem to get the length of the HashTable to output anything.

$user = @{}
$user[0] = @{}
$user[0]["name"] = "bswinnerton"
$user[0]["car"] = "honda"

$user[1] = @{}
$user[1]["name"] = "jschmoe"
$user[1]["car"] = "mazda"

write-output $user.length   #nothing outputs here

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $user.length; $i++)
    #write-output $user[0]["name"]
like image 897
bswinnerton Avatar asked Nov 09 '12 16:11


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1 Answers

@{} declares an HashTable whereas @() declares an Array

You can use


to find the length of you HashTable.

If you do:

$user | get-member

you can see all the methods and properties of an object.


return the type of the object you have.

like image 62
CB. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09