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Use a function in Powershell replace

I'm trying to replace part of a string in Powershell. However, the replacement string is not hardcoded, it's calculated from a function:

$text = "the image is -12345-"
$text = $text -replace "-(\d*)-", 'This is the image: $1'
Write-Host $text

This gives me the correct result: "This is the image: 12345"

Now, I want to include the base64 encoded image. I can read the image from the id. I was hoping the following would work, but it doesn't:

function Get-Base64($path)
    [convert]::ToBase64String((get-content $path -encoding byte))
$text -replace "-(\d*)-", "This is the image: $(Get-Base64 '$1')"

The reason that it doesn't work, is because it first passes $1 (the string, not the value of $1) to the function, executes it and only then does it do the replace. What I want to do is

  • Find the occurrence of the pattern
  • Replace each occurence with the pattern
  • For each replace:
  • Pass the capture group to the function
  • Use the value of the capture group to get the base64 image
  • inject the base64 image into the replacement
like image 695
Kenneth Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 12:06


People also ask

How do I replace a specific character in a string in PowerShell?

In PowerShell, Replace() method and -replace operator is used to find specified characters and replace them with a new string. Using Replace() method or replace operator, you can easily replace text in a string or replace a certain part of the string or entire string with new text in PowerShell.

How do you replace content in PowerShell?

Use Get-Content and Set-Content to Replace Every Occurrence of a String in a File With PowerShell. The Get-Content gets the item's content in the specified path, such as the text in a file. The Set-Content is a string-processing cmdlet that allows you to write new content or replace the existing content in a file.

How do I replace multiple characters in a string in PowerShell?

You can replace multiple characters in a string using PowerShell replace() method or PowerShell replace operator. If you are using the PowerShell replace() method, you can chain replace() method as many times to replace the multiple characters in the PowerShell string.

How do I change a variable value in PowerShell?

In PowerShell we can use the Replace() method on any string or variable that is a string. The method needs two arguments, the text or character that you want to find and the with what you want to replace it with.

2 Answers

You can use the static Replace method from the [regex] class:

[regex]::Replace($text,'-(\d*)-',{param($match) "This is the image: $(Get-Base64 $match.Groups[1].Value)"})

Alternatively you can define a regex object and use the Replace method of that object:

$re = [regex]'-(\d*)-'
$re.Replace($text, {param($match) "This is the image: $(Get-Base64 $match.Groups[1].Value)"})

For better readability you could define the callback function (the scriptblock) in a separate variable and use that in the replacement:

$callback = {
  'This is the image: ' + (Get-Base64 $match.Groups[1].Value)

$re = [regex]'-(\d*)-'
$re.Replace($text, $callback)
like image 199
user4003407 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09


PetSerAl's helpful answer is your only option in Windows PowerShell, as of v5.1.

PowerShell Core v6.1+ now offers a native PowerShell solution via an enhancement to the
-replace operator
, which obviates the need to call [regex]::Replace():

Just as with [regex]::Replace(), you can now:

  • pass a script block as the -replace replacement operand, which must return the replacement string,
  • except that the match at hand (an instance of type [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match]) is represented as automatic variable $_, as is customary in PowerShell.

Applied to your case:

$text -replace "-(\d*)-", { "This is the image: $(Get-Base64 $_.Groups[1].Value)" }

A simpler example:

# Increment the number embedded in a string:
PS> '42 years old' -replace '\d+', { [int] $_.Value + 1 }
43 years old
like image 38
mklement0 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
