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Getting a Scala Map from a Java Properties

I was trying to pull environment variables into a scala script using java Iterators and / or Enumerations and realised that Dr Frankenstein might claim parentage, so I hacked the following from the ugly tree instead:

import java.util.Map.Entry
import System._

val propSet = getProperties().entrySet().toArray()
val props   = (0 until propSet.size).foldLeft(Map[String, String]()){(m, i) =>
  val e = propSet(i).asInstanceOf[Entry[String, String]]
  m + (e.getKey() -> e.getValue())

For example to print the said same environment

props.keySet.toList.sortWith(_ < _).foreach{k =>
  println(k+(" " * (30 - k.length))+" = "+props(k))

Please, please don't set about polishing this t$#d, just show me the scala gem that I'm convinced exists for this situation (i.e java Properties --> scala.Map), thanks in advance ;@)

like image 406
Don Mackenzie Avatar asked Jan 06 '10 21:01

Don Mackenzie

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2 Answers

In Scala 2.13.2:

import scala.jdk.javaapi.CollectionConverters._

val props = asScala(System.getProperties)
like image 82
Ava Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10


Scala 2.10.3

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

//Create a variable to store the properties in
val props = new Properties

//Open a file stream to read the file
val fileStream = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName))

//Print the contents of the properties file as a map
like image 31
Sarath Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
