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Play framework input without label

I've just started with Play Framework and I'm looking to create input field in scala template but without label and for some reason I'm unable to get rid of the generated label element. Here is how my code looks like :

@helper.inputText(form("name"), 'id -> "name", 'class -> "ui-state-default", 'autocomplete -> "off", 'placeholder -> "Please write name ...")

So I end up with this element along with my input (looking at browser source code) :

<dt><label for="s2id_autogen2">name</label></dt>

Is there any way of removing it?

like image 734
Gandalf StormCrow Avatar asked Aug 26 '13 12:08

Gandalf StormCrow

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Play is rock-solid and used by hundreds of thousands of Java and Scala developers every month. Play is still extremely relevant to today's application and web development and has a passionate and very capable community around it ensuring that it has many good years left.

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The activator command can be used to create a new Play application. Activator allows you to select a template that your new application should be based off. For vanilla Play projects, the names of these templates are play-scala for Scala based Play applications, and play-java for Java based Play applications.

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1 Answers

My solution was :

    'id -> "name",
    'class -> "ui-state-default",
    'autocomplete -> "off",
    'placeholder -> "Please write name ...",
    '_label -> null
like image 199
Gandalf StormCrow Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Gandalf StormCrow