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GetStackTrace in Delphi 7?

Using Delphi 7, how can I get a string representing the stack-trace from an Exception?

  on E:Exception do begin
    // print stack trace
    Log.Write(/* ??? */);

I hear there's a GetStackTrace function in the latest delphi, but I can't find anything for delphi 7. No, upgrading is not an option :)

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Blorgbeard Avatar asked Nov 16 '09 05:11


3 Answers

You could try using madExcept, a wonderful Exception handling framework.

madshi has heaps of sample code in there; I'm sure I've used the stack-trace stuff in there before.

As Dmitriy noted, the JCL also has stack-trace code; an old sample is here.

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moobaa Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10


I throw EurekaLog in the game. It's a great tool and not expensive at all.

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jpfollenius Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10


MemChk is pretty easy to use (especially to search/find memory leaks) and knows how to render a stack trace from a code address.

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Stijn Sanders Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10

Stijn Sanders