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Get Xpath dynamically using ElementTree getpath()

I need to write a dynamic function that finds elements on a subtree of an ATOM xml by building dynamically the XPath to the element.

To do so, I've written something like this:

    tree = etree.parse(xmlFileUrl)
    e = etree.XPathEvaluator(tree, namespaces={'def':'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'})
    entries = e('//def:entry')
    for entry in entries:
        mypath = tree.getpath(entry) + "/category"
        category = e(mypath)

The code above fails to find "category" because getpath() returns an XPath without namespaces, whereas the XPathEvaluator e() requires namespaces.

Although I know I can use the path and provide a namespace in the call to XPathEvaluator, I would like to know if it's possible to make getpath() return a "fully qualified" path, using all the namespaces, as this is convenient in certain cases.

(This is a spin-off question of my earlier question: Python XpathEvaluator without namespace)

like image 861
puntofisso Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 09:10


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2 Answers

Basically, using the standard Python's xml.etree library, a different visit function is needed. To achieve this scope you can build a modified version of iter method like this:

def etree_iter_path(node, tag=None, path='.'):
    if tag == "*":
        tag = None
    if tag is None or node.tag == tag:
        yield node, path
    for child in node:
        _child_path = '%s/%s' % (path, child.tag)
        for child, child_path in etree_iter_path(child, tag, path=_child_path):
            yield child, child_path

Then you can use this function for the iteration of the tree from the root node:

from xml.etree import ElementTree

xmldoc = ElementTree.parse(*path to xml file*)
for elem, path in etree_iter_path(xmldoc.getroot()):
    print(elem, path)
like image 199
Davide Brunato Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Davide Brunato

Rather than trying to construct a full path from the root, you can evaluate XPath expression on with the entry as the base node:

tree = etree.parse(xmlFileUrl)
nsmap = {'def':'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'}
entries_expr = etree.XPath('//def:entry', namespaces=nsmap)
category_expr = etree.XPath('category')
for entry in entries_expr(tree):
    category = category_expr(entry)

If performance is not critical, you can simplify the code by using the .xpath() method on elements rather than pre-compiled expressions:

tree = etree.parse(xmlFileUrl)
nsmap = {'def':'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'}
for entry in tree.xpath('//def:entry', namespaces=nsmap):
    category = entry.xpath('category')
like image 21
Simon Sapin Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Simon Sapin