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How do I send a POST using 2-legged oauth2 in python?

I have a working GET using 2-legged oauth2 in python. Here is the WORKING GET code:

the imports:

import oauth2 
import urllib #for url-encode
import urllib2 #for getting and receiving data from server
import time #Unix timestamp import oauth2

the call:

resourceUrl = "https://test.mysite:8443/ess/scheduleapi/v1/people"
request = build_request(resourceUrl,'GET')
u = urllib2.urlopen(request.to_url())
people_data = u.read()

the function to build the request:

def build_request(url, method):
    params = {                                            
        'oauth_version': "1.0",
        'oauth_nonce': oauth2.generate_nonce(),
        'oauth_timestamp': int(time.time())
    consumer = oauth2.Consumer(key='mykey',secret='mysecret')
    params['oauth_consumer_key'] = consumer.key
    req = oauth2.Request(method=method, url=url, parameters=params)
    signature_method = oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
    req.sign_request(signature_method, consumer, None)
    return req
#end build_request

So, I thought I could copy the part of the GET that I thought I'd need, plus combine it with the syntax I got off of some urllib2 documentation, and cook up a working POST. Not so. Keep in mind I have the same imports and the same build_request function. Here is the BROKEN POST code. Please advise!

the call:

myurl =  "https://test.mysite:8443/ess/scheduleapi/v1/people" 
myaction = 'POST'
myxml = somexmlIalreadygenerated
person_added, err = post_or_put_me(myaction,myxml,myurl)

the function to POST:

def post_or_put_me(action,xml,url)
    request = build_request(url,action) # use same header-generating code as GET did?
    post_data = urllib.urlencode(xml)
    req = urllib2.Request(request,post_data)
        u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        post_or_put_returned_data = u.read()
        print 'LENGTH  :', len(post_or_put_returned_data)
        print 'DATA    :', post_or_put_returned_data
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        server_error = 'HTTPError = ' + str(e.code)
    except urllib2.URLError, e:
        server_error = 'URLError = ' + str(e.reason)
    except httplib.HTTPException, e:
        server_error = 'HTTPException'
    except Exception:
        import traceback
        server_error = 'generic exception: ' + traceback.format_exc()

    if server_error:
        err_msg = server_error
        succ_msg = 'you had a successful post or put'

    return succ_msg, err_msg
#end post_or_put_me

Here's my second attempt:

def post_or_put_me(action,xml,url):
    myrequest = build_request(url,'POST')

    CONSUMER_KEY = 'admin_access'
    CONSUMER_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxx' 
    consumer = oauth2.Consumer(key=CONSUMER_KEY, secret=CONSUMER_SECRET)
    token = oauth2.Token(key=CONSUMER_KEY, secret=CONSUMER_SECRET)
    client = oauth2.Client(consumer, token)
    resp, content = client.request(
        headers= myrequest.headers,
    print 'resp, content are', resp, content
like image 775
HelenM Avatar asked Oct 19 '12 15:10


1 Answers

Here is ACTUAL, WORKING code of how I got my POST or PUT to work, kindly supplied by Wes Barnes from Echo360 Lecture Capture. I don't want anyone else doing a 2-legged oauth POST/PUT to have to reinvent the wheel.

import oauth2 as oauth
import time
import urllib2 as urllib

echo_base_url = 'http://pilot.echo360.com/ess/scheduleapi/v1'

consumer = oauth.Consumer(key ='xxxxx', secret='xxxx')
client = oauth.Client(consumer)
params = "<person><first-name>Jon</first-name><last-name>Doe</last-name><title>Super  Hero</title><email-address>[email protected]</email-address><block-alerts>false</block-alerts><time-zone>US/Eastern</time-zone><locale>en_US</locale><credentials><user-name>[email protected]</user-name><password>password</password></credentials><organization-roles><organization-role><organization-id>b1973c39-dc76-4cab-a4aa-3f9efd628df2</organization-id><role>role-name-admin</role></organization-role></organization-roles></person>"

resp, content = client.request(
                echo_base_url + "/people/",
                method = "PUT",
                headers={'Content-type': 'application/xml'}
print resp, content
like image 67
HelenM Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10
