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Get the Query Executed in Laravel 3/4

Laravel 4+

Note for Laravel 5 users: You'll need to call DB::enableQueryLog() before executing the query. Either just above the line that runs the query or inside a middleware.

In Laravel 4 and later, you have to call DB::getQueryLog() to get all ran queries.

$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);

Or you can download a profiler package. I'd recommend barryvdh/laravel-debugbar, which is pretty neat. You can read for instructions on how to install in their repository.

Laravel 3

In Laravel 3, you can get the last executed query from an Eloquent model calling the static method last_query on the DB class.


This, however, requires that you enable the profiler option in application/config/database.php. Alternatively you could, as @dualed mentioned, enable the profiler option, in application/config/application.php or call DB::profile() to get all queries ran in the current request and their execution time.

You can enable the "Profiler" in Laravel 3 by setting

'profiler' => true,

In your application/config/application.php and application/config/database.php

This enables a bar at the bottom of each page. One of its features is listing the executed queries and how long each one took.

enter image description here

For Eloquent you can just do:


But you need to remove the "->get()" part from your query.

I would recommend using the Chrome extension Clockwork with the Laravel package https://github.com/itsgoingd/clockwork. It's easy to install and use.

Clockwork is a Chrome extension for PHP development, extending Developer Tools with a new panel providing all kinds of information useful for debugging and profiling your PHP scripts, including information on request, headers, GET and POST data, cookies, session data, database queries, routes, visualisation of application runtime and more. Clockwork includes out of the box support for Laravel 4 and Slim 2 based applications, you can add support for any other or custom framework via an extensible API.

enter image description here