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Get the current pushed tag in Github Actions

Is there a way to access the current tag that has been pushed in a Github Action? In CircleCI you can access this value with the $CIRCLE_TAG variable.

My Workflow yaml is being triggered by a tag like so:

on:   push:     tags:       - 'v*.*.*' 

And I want to use that version number as a file path later on in the workflow.

like image 975
Jon B Avatar asked Oct 01 '19 03:10

Jon B

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Introduction. In this post we will be creating a new Github Action to automatically tag commits when a pull request is merged. Git tags are specific points in a repository's history marked as being important, typically used to identify release versions.

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1 Answers

As far as I know there is no tag variable. However, it can be extracted from GITHUB_REF which contains the checked out ref, e.g. refs/tags/v1.2.3

Try this workflow. It creates a new environment variable with the extracted version that you can use in later steps.

on:   push:     tags:       - 'v*.*.*' jobs:   test:     runs-on: ubuntu-latest     steps:       - uses: actions/checkout@v2       - name: Set env         run: echo "RELEASE_VERSION=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}" >> $GITHUB_ENV       - name: Test         run: |           echo $RELEASE_VERSION           echo ${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }} 

Alternatively, use set-output:

on:   push:     tags:       - 'v*.*.*' jobs:   test:     runs-on: ubuntu-latest     steps:       - uses: actions/checkout@v2       - name: Set output         id: vars         run: echo ::set-output name=tag::${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}       - name: Check output         env:           RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }}         run: |           echo $RELEASE_VERSION           echo ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} 
like image 100
peterevans Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
