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Why does my GitHub page do not update its content?

People also ask

How long does it take for changes to reflect on GitHub Pages?

Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for changes to your site to publish after you push the changes to GitHub. If you don't see your GitHub Pages site changes reflected in your browser after an hour, see "About Jekyll build errors for GitHub Pages sites."

Why does it take so long for GitHub Pages to update?

The first time you generate your site it will take about 10 minutes for it to show up. Subsequent builds take only seconds from the time you push the changes to your GitHub repository. However, depending on how your have your domain configured, there may be extra time for the CDN cache to break.

Why my GitHub Pages is not working?

Solution: Verify the publishing source and published URL from your repository's settings tab. Double check that you are using the correct URL by visiting your repository's Settings, and scrolling down to the GitHub Pages section. You should see the URL where your site is published.

A bit late to the party but I just had this issue and my solution isn't covered by any of the above.

Specifically my issue was the following:

  • I had created a github.pages site with a custom domain.
  • I was pushing commits to the correct GitHub branch but not seeing the updates on the github.pages site.

Solution: The issue turned out to be my browser caching the page (despite my having page caching disabled). To fix it I just cleared my cached data from the past hour and that worked instantly.

To clear the cache data in Chrome go to the Chrome menu then More Tools > Clear Browsing Data.

I don't know what caused the caching, this github.pages/custom domain combo is the only thing that has ever caused it for me.

Sometimes this happens to me too: after creating and pushing the gh-pages, the GitHub Pages page is missing or not getting updated. Even if I commit more changes to the branch and push it again, it won't update on GitHub pages.

If I remember correctly, I solve this by deleting the branch from the server and pushing it again:

git push origin :gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages

I might have to add some dummy commits and push again to trigger the update, I don't remember exactly...

I fixed this problem.

you can try to go to the setting page.

I go into the project settings page (.../settings/pages) ,and found Github pages give me some message "some syntax error", I fixed it, and ok.

I had the same issue.

The problem was that my website was publishing from the gh-pages branch, but I was pushing my recent changes to the master branch.

Check which branch Github is publishing your website from. In your repository, click on Settings, scroll down the page and there should be a box where you you can change the publishing branch.

It should look like this:

More info is here

Also if you are using a custom domain name, make sure your CNAME file is up to date.

Hope that helps!