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Get integer value from string in swift




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How do I cast an int in Swift?

swift1min read To convert a float value to an Int, we can use the Int() constructor by passing a float value to it. Note: When we use this conversion the Integer is always rounded to the nearest downward value, like 12.752 to 12 or 6.99 to 6 .

How do I check if a string is int Swift?

Swift – Check if Variable/Object is Int To check if a variable or object is an Int, use is operator as shown in the following expression. where x is a variable/object. The above expression returns a boolean value: true if the variable is an Int, or false if not an Int.

How do I convert a string to an array in Swift?

To convert a string to an array, we can use the Array() intializer syntax in Swift. Here is an example, that splits the following string into an array of individual characters. Similarly, we can also use the map() function to convert it. The map() function iterates each character in a string.

Swift 2.0 you can initialize Integer using constructor

var stringNumber = "1234"
var numberFromString = Int(stringNumber)

I'd use:

var stringNumber = "1234"
var numberFromString = stringNumber.toInt()

Note toInt():

If the string represents an integer that fits into an Int, returns the corresponding integer.

In Swift 3.0

Type 1: Convert NSString to String

    let stringNumb:NSString = "1357"
    let someNumb = Int(stringNumb as String) // 1357 as integer

Type 2: If the String has Integer only

    let stringNumb = "1357"
    let someNumb = Int(stringNumb) // 1357 as integer

Type 3: If the String has Float value

    let stringNumb = "13.57"
    if let stringToFloat = Float(stringNumb){
        let someNumb = Int(stringToFloat)// 13 as Integer
       //do something if the stringNumb not have digit only. (i.e.,) let stringNumb = "13er4"

The method you want is toInt() -- you have to be a little careful, since the toInt() returns an optional Int.

let stringNumber = "1234"
let numberFromString = stringNumber.toInt()
// numberFromString is of type Int? with value 1234

let notANumber = "Uh oh"
let wontBeANumber = notANumber.toInt()
// wontBeANumber is of type Int? with value nil

If you are able to use a NSString only.

It's pretty similar to objective-c. All the data type are there but require the as NSString addition

    var x = "400.0" as NSString 

    x.floatValue //string to float
    x.doubleValue // to double
    x.boolValue // to bool
    x.integerValue // to integer
    x.intValue // to int

Also we have an toInt() function added See Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks. https://itun.es/us/jEUH0.l page 49
