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How does one make random number between range for arc4random_uniform()?

so my goal in this codebit is to randomly roll two dice and as we all know your regular die only has 6 sides so I imported Foundation for access to arc4random_uniform(UInt32). I attempted using the range of (1..7) to avoid randomly getting 0 however that returned an error which I didn't enjoy too much. I tried to do this:

dice1 = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(1..7)) 

however that returned

Could not find an overload for 'init' that accepts the supplied arguments

I hope that this is enough information for you amazing debs out there to help me :)

Please note I am just doing this in a playground to practice swift. It isn't imperative that I learn how to do this; it's just me tinkering before I jump into building actual apps :D

//imports random number function import Foundation //creates data storage for dice roll var dice1: UInt32 = 0 var dice2: UInt32 = 0 //counter variable var i = 0 //how many times snake eyes happens var snakeeyes = 0  //how many times a double is rolled var `double` = 0 //rolls dice 100 times while i < 100{     //from here     //sets dice roll 

This returns an error of 'Range $T3' is not convertible to UInt32

   dice1 = arc4random_uniform(1..7)    dice2 = arc4random_uniform(1..7) 
    //checks for snake eyes     if dice1 == 1 && dice2 == 1 {         snakeeyes = snakeeyes + 1      }     //checks for doubles     if dice1 == dice2{         `double` = `double` + 1     }     //increases counter         i = i + 1     //to here } println("You got Snake Eyes \(snakeeyes) times.") println("You got Doubles, \(`double`) times.") 
like image 937
arcreigh Avatar asked Jun 10 '14 03:06


1 Answers

I believe you should do

dice1 = arc4random_uniform(6) + 1; 

to get the range 1 - 6. I don't do iOS objective C nor have I any knowledge on swift-language though. The random method should return a value between 0 and 5, and + 1 will make it a value between 1 and 6.

If you need a range between lets say 10 - 30 then just do

int random = arc4random_uniform(21) + 10; 
like image 169
Sky Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 04:12
