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Get current stack trace in Ruby without raising an exception

People also ask

What is backtrace in Ruby?

This blog is part of our Ruby 2.5 series. Stack trace or backtrace is a sequential representation of the stack of method calls in a program which gets printed when an exception is raised. It is often used to find out the exact location in a program from where the exception was raised.

Can exception stack trace null?

Yes. If you create a new Exception() and don't throw it, every property except Data and Message will be null.

Should stack traces be logged?

Therefore, you should log a stacktrace if, and only if, and always if, the exception indicates a bug in the program. However, that does not always indicate that a method you write should catch and log the exception.

You can use Kernel#caller:

# /tmp/caller.rb

def foo 
  puts caller # Kernel#caller returns an array of strings

def bar 

def baz 



caller.rb:8:in `bar'
caller.rb:12:in `baz'
caller.rb:15:in `<main>'

Try using


I use this to show a custom error page when exception are raised.

rescue_from Exception do |exception|
  logger.error exception.class
  logger.error exception.message
  logger.error exception.backtrace.join "\n"
  @exception = exception

  # ExceptionNotifier::Notifier.exception_notification env, @exception

  respond_to do |format|
    if [AbstractController::ActionNotFound, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::RoutingError, ActionController::UnknownAction].include?(exception.class)
      format.html { render :template => "errors/404", :status => 404 }
      format.js   { render :nothing => true, :status => 404 }
      format.xml  { render :nothing => true, :status => 404 }
    elsif exception.class == CanCan::AccessDenied
      format.html {
        render :template => "errors/401", :status => 401 #, :layout => 'application'
      # format.js   { render :json => { :errors => [exception.message] }, :status => 401 }
      # format.js   { render :js => 'alert("Hello 401")' }
      format.js   { render :template => 'errors/401.js.erb' }

      ExceptionNotifier::Notifier.exception_notification(env, exception).deliver        
      format.html { render :template => "errors/500", :status => 500 } #, :layout => 'im2/application' }
      # format.js   { render :nothing => true, :status => 500 }
      format.js   { render :template => 'errors/500.js.erb' }
