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Get current location, latitude and longitude in ReactNative using react-native-maps

I am developing a map location. When I click in some particular place I get the latitude and longitude, but not the current location, latitude and longitude.

I don't know how to find out.

How can I get them and how can I put the marker at that position?

Here is my code:

class Maps extends React.Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {       region: {         latitude:       LATITUDE,         longitude:      LONGITUDE,         latitudeDelta:  LATITUDE_DELTA,         longitudeDelta: LONGITUDE_DELTA,       },       marker: {         latlng:{           latitude:       null,           longitude:      null,           latitudeDelta:  LATITUDE_DELTA,           longitudeDelta: LONGITUDE_DELTA         }       }     }   }    componentDidMount() {     navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (       (position) => { alert("value:" + position) },       (error)    => { console.log(error) },       {         enableHighAccuracy: true,         timeout:            20000,         maximumAge:         10000       }     )   }    onMapPress(e) {     alert("coordinates:" + JSON.stringify(e.nativeEvent.coordinate))       this.setState({         marker: [{ coordinate: e.nativeEvent.coordinate }]       })     }    render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <View style={{flexGrow:1}}>           <MapView             ref="map"             provider={this.props.provider}             style={styles.map}             onPress={this.onMapPress.bind(this)}             provider = {PROVIDER_DEFAULT}             mapType="standard"             zoomEnabled={true}             pitchEnabled={true}             showsUserLocation={true}             followsUserLocation={true}             showsCompass={true}             showsBuildings={true}             showsTraffic={true}             showsIndoors={true}>           </MapView>         </View>       </View>     )   } } 
like image 407
Lavaraju Avatar asked Apr 03 '17 05:04


People also ask

How do I get the current location react?

Get Current Position Get the current position of the user using the navigator. getCurrentPosition() method. Open the console, and the output should look like this. The xxx can be any number based on the location.

How to get current location of the device using React Native geolocation?

If you are using Android Emulator to run the app. You have to send the GPS location manually from the menu button (3 dots) If you are using IOS Simulator then send GPS location Manually like below screenshot. This is how you can Get the Current Location of the Device Using React Native Geolocation.

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Getting started with React Native will help you to know more about the way you can make a React Native project. We are going to use react-native init to make our React Native App. Assuming that you have node installed, you can use npm to install the react-native-cli command line utility. Open the terminal and go to the workspace and run

What is an example of geolocation in react?

One simple example of geolocation is using a device’s IP address to determine the country, city, or postal code at which it is located. React Native has an API for geolocation: @react-native- community/geolocation.

How to watch for changes in latitude and longitude in map region?

Set a mapRegion object in the state, the last longitude and the last latitude as null: Then within your componentDidMount () function watch for each change in the current position:

2 Answers

I did it following these steps using [email protected] and react-native-maps@^0.13.1 and using [email protected] and react-native-maps@^0.15.2 at the date:

Set a mapRegion object in the state, the last longitude and the last latitude as null:

state = {   mapRegion: null,   lastLat: null,   lastLong: null, } 

Then within your componentDidMount() function watch for each change in the current position:

  componentDidMount() {     this.watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition((position) => {       ...     });   } 

When there are changes update them in your this.state.mapRegion, passing the actual coords and the delta values (mine can be different to yours, so adapt them):

  componentDidMount() {     this.watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition((position) => {       // Create the object to update this.state.mapRegion through the onRegionChange function       let region = {         latitude:       position.coords.latitude,         longitude:      position.coords.longitude,         latitudeDelta:  0.00922*1.5,         longitudeDelta: 0.00421*1.5       }       this.onRegionChange(region, region.latitude, region.longitude);     }, (error)=>console.log(error));   } 

Then you need the onRegionChange() function, that's being used to "set" new values to your elements within the componentDidMount() function:

  onRegionChange(region, lastLat, lastLong) {     this.setState({       mapRegion: region,       // If there are no new values set the current ones       lastLat: lastLat || this.state.lastLat,       lastLong: lastLong || this.state.lastLong     });   } 

Unmount the geolocation on componentWillUnmount():

  componentWillUnmount() {     navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(this.watchID);   } 

And render the MapView passing your current mapRegion object, the MapView.Marker inside of it is just to show you the current latitude and longitude when they change:

  render() {     return (       <View style={{flex: 1}}>         <MapView           style={styles.map}           region={this.state.mapRegion}           showsUserLocation={true}           followUserLocation={true}           onRegionChange={this.onRegionChange.bind(this)}>           <MapView.Marker             coordinate={{               latitude: (this.state.lastLat + 0.00050) || -36.82339,               longitude: (this.state.lastLong + 0.00050) || -73.03569,             }}>             <View>               <Text style={{color: '#000'}}>                 { this.state.lastLong } / { this.state.lastLat }               </Text>             </View>           </MapView.Marker>         </MapView>       </View>     );   } 

Add the StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject for your map in order to render it properly using the whole width and height of your device.

const styles = StyleSheet.create({   map: {     ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject,   } }); 

So for your onPress() function you could do something similar to the onRegionChange(), that's to get the actual coordinates and to set them:

  onMapPress(e) {     let region = {       latitude:       e.nativeEvent.coordinate.latitude,       longitude:      e.nativeEvent.coordinate.longitude,       latitudeDelta:  0.00922*1.5,       longitudeDelta: 0.00421*1.5     }     this.onRegionChange(region, region.latitude, region.longitude);   } 

Check the full code on expo.io (although react-native-maps isn't installed)

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Sebastian Palma Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Sebastian Palma

I suggest you to read this official documentation about geolocalisation: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/geolocation.html

Then, with the current location, you can put that information into your state:

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {     this.setState({position: {longitude: position.longitude, latitude: position.latitude}}); }, (error) => {     alert(JSON.stringify(error)) }, {     enableHighAccuracy: true,     timeout: 20000,     maximumAge: 1000 }); 

You will be able next, in your render method, to compose your final view with a marker:

render() {   return (     <MapView ...>       <MapView.Marker         coordinate={this.state.position}         title="title"         description="description"       />     </MapView>   ) } 
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Benjamin Berthelemy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Benjamin Berthelemy