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remove underline in inputText in React Native

I cannot remove underline in input text

enter image description here

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Nima Avatar asked Nov 08 '16 03:11


People also ask

How do I remove the underline in react native text input?

To change or remove the underline we need to use the underlineColorAndroid prop. This is only necessary for Android as the iOS TextInput comes relatively unstyled. This can be set to any color, which includes transparent. To remove the line add underlineColorAndroid="transparent" to your TextInput .

How do you remove text underline in react?

Use inline styles to remove the underline of a Link in React, e.g. <Link style={{textDecoration: 'none'}} to="/"> . When the text decoration property is set to none , the underline of the link is removed.

How do I get rid of the underline in a text box?

Remove underlining To remove single underlining from words and spaces, select the underlined text and press Ctrl+U.

How do you underline react in native text?

Underline a character in the item text in React DropDownButton component. Underline a particular character in a text can be handled in beforeItemRender event by adding <u> tag in between the text and given as innerHTML in li rendering. In the following example, C is underlined in the text Copy .

2 Answers

I guess it should be


See the related issue https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/10108

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vinayr Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10


Use underlineColorAndroid property of TextInput component

<TextInput underlineColorAndroid='transparent'            placeholder="type here ..">  TXT </TextInput> 
like image 34
vijay22uk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10
