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get and set in TypeScript



I'm trying to create get and set method for a property:

private _name: string;  Name() {     get:     {         return this._name;     }     set:     {         this._name = ???;     } } 

What's the keyword to set a value?

like image 390
MuriloKunze Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 19:10


People also ask

What is get and set in TypeScript?

Introduction to TypeScript Getters and SettersThe getters and setters allow you to control the access to the properties of a class. For each property: A getter method returns the value of the property's value. A getter is also called an accessor. A setter method updates the property's value.

What is the use of get and set in angular?

They can be used to perform preprocessing on your data. Every variable in TypeScript can have its setter and getter functions. While these getters and setters look like any other function declarations, they can be used as a normal variable to assign values, perform operations, or display data in the template.

What is set in TypeScript?

TypeScript set is a new data structure added in ES6 version of JavaScript. It allows us to store distinct data (each value occur only once) into the List similar to other programming languages. Sets are a bit similar to maps, but it stores only keys, not the key-value pairs.

How do you set values in TypeScript?

The type syntax for declaring a variable in TypeScript is to include a colon (:) after the variable name, followed by its type. Just as in JavaScript, we use the var keyword to declare a variable. Declare its type and value in one statement.

2 Answers

TypeScript uses getter/setter syntax that is like ECMAScript4/ActionScript3.

class foo {     private _bar: boolean = false;     get bar(): boolean {         return this._bar;     }     set bar(value: boolean) {         this._bar = value;     } } 

That will produce this JavaScript, using the ECMAScript 5 Object.defineProperty() feature.

var foo = (function () {     function foo() {         this._bar = false;     }     Object.defineProperty(foo.prototype, "bar", {         get: function () {             return this._bar;         },         set: function (value) {             this._bar = value;         },         enumerable: true,         configurable: true     });     return foo; })(); 

So to use it,

var myFoo = new foo(); if(myFoo.bar) {         // calls the getter     myFoo.bar = false;  // calls the setter and passes false } 

However, in order to use it at all, you must make sure the TypeScript compiler targets ECMAScript5. If you are running the command line compiler, use --target flag like this;

tsc --target ES5 

If you are using Visual Studio, you must edit your project file to add the flag to the configuration for the TypeScriptCompile build tool. You can see that here:

As @DanFromGermany suggests below, if your are simply reading and writing a local property like foo.bar = true, then having a setter and getter pair is overkill. You can always add them later if you need to do something, like logging, whenever the property is read or written.

Getters can be used to implement readonly properties. Here is an example that also shows how getters interact with readonly and optional types.

// // type with optional readonly property. // baz?:string is the same as baz:string|undefined // type Foo = {     readonly bar: string;     readonly baz?: string; } const foo:Foo = {bar: "bar"} console.log(foo.bar) // prints 'bar' console.log(foo.baz) // prints undefined  // // interface with optional readonly property // interface iFoo {     readonly bar: string;     readonly baz?: string; }  const ifoo:iFoo = {bar: "bar"} console.log(ifoo.bar)  // prints 'bar' console.log(ifoo.baz)  // prints undefined   // // class implements bar as a getter,  // but leaves off baz. // class iBarClass implements iFoo {      get bar() { return "bar" } } const iBarInstance = new iBarClass() console.log(iBarInstance.bar) // prints 'bar' console.log(iBarInstance.baz) // prints 'undefined' // accessing baz gives warning that baz does not exist  // on iBarClass but returns undefined // note that you could define baz as a getter // and just return undefined to remove the warning.   // // class implements optional readonly property as a getter // class iBazClass extends iBarClass {     private readonly _baz?: string      constructor(baz?:string) {         super()         this._baz = baz     }      get baz() { return this._baz; } }  const iBazInstance = new iBazClass("baz") console.log(iBazInstance.bar)  // prints bar console.log(iBazInstance.baz)  // prints baz 
like image 133
Ezward Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


Ezward has already provided a good answer, but I noticed that one of the comments asks how it is used. For people like me who stumble across this question, I thought it would be useful to have a link to the official documentation on getters and setters on the Typescript website as that explains it well, will hopefully always stay up-to-date as changes are made, and shows example usage:


In particular, for those not familiar with it, note that you don't incorporate the word 'get' into a call to a getter (and similarly for setters):

var myBar = myFoo.getBar(); // wrong     var myBar = myFoo.get('bar');  // wrong 

You should simply do this:

var myBar = myFoo.bar;  // correct (get) myFoo.bar = true;  // correct (set) (false is correct too obviously!) 

given a class like:

class foo {   private _bar:boolean = false;    get bar():boolean {     return this._bar;   }   set bar(theBar:boolean) {     this._bar = theBar;   } } 

then the 'bar' getter for the private '_bar' property will be called.

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TornadoAli Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
